
Whew..most of us came from FW, right? What's a little bothersome is someone WITHOUT marine experience DISSUADING someone from becoming a marine aquarist.

Cheap? No. But it doesn't have to be a bank breaker.
Easy? Uh, at times, no. Challenging is a better term.
Learning curve? Yes.
Rewarding? Priceless.

You know, I love my 46 gallon FW, but, since starting a marine tank, I walk thru the FW aisles and go right back to marine. Just can't beat the colors, diversity, variety, symbiotic relationships, etc. So, I wouldn't dissuade anyone. HOWEVER, I DO AGREE that Nemo's are not gifts, but committments. BIG COMMITTMENTS. Better be sure the two of you want enter the marine aquarium world. SH
I personally didn't have any marine tanks - but my sister had about 5 of varying sizes ;) (At the time we were even living in the same house. Sadly she moved countries and no longer has a specimen license and the Indian ocean on her doorstep, so no tanks for her at the moment.
Her tanks were not mine to look after, maintain and pay the upkeep - but think I have a pretty good clue about what goes into Marine keeping. I wouldn't be as foolish to speak about something I really have absolutely no clue about :)

I think "my" biggest concern is that this is a gift - yes, even if for a girlfriend - this is a gift tagged with some serious commitment, passion and funding linked to it for many years to come. Who's responsibility will it ultimately be ? :/

As I say, I don't want to be a party pooper but there's nothing romantic about potentially neglected fish.
"What's a little bothersome is someone WITHOUT marine experience DISSUADING someone from becoming a marine aquarist. "

take note that the dissuasion is aimed at "gifting" the role of marine aquarist to someone else...very different from simply becomeing one yourself.
I agree with your last comments bloozoo. And Tiggs..get your facts straight before posting:

Even at the smallest scale possible you are looking a huge expenditure. No one gets things right the first time. It's all trial and error (even if you do your homework) the only downside with SW is that it's big time bucks for errors.
I've put about 450 in on my 12 gallon so far, and I have atleast 300 left to put into it. I just got my liverock inthere today.
Well the conflicting advice given here is enough to scare the poor man off fromgetting a marine tank completely :*)

Im not saying that any of the comments here are completely wrong but here is my thoughts and comments on how i would suggest you proceed (should you have not been turned off completely so far :look: )

Whilst its true, a marine setup can cost the earth, (i know of a 10ft system that has run to over $30,000 so far) it doesnt have to be this way. In fact it can be done fairly cheaply also with dramatic effects. One of the biggest suprises that still happen to me each and every day on here is how people have managed t have great loking tanks at a fraction of the cost of some of the big hitters out there simply beacuse they have done some research and chosen wise advice before spending their hard earnt cash at a lfs.

Loads of live rock ? How about half liverock and the rest just reefboners at a fraction of the cost?
£600 metal halides? How about £100 halides of the same wattage that just need a housing unit to hide their shape as they can be unsightly?
There is nearly always a cheaper alternative that doesnt have to comprimise on quality.

What i suggest you do is to research and then make an informed desision. A 20 gallon can be achieved on a budget. What you could do is setup a system then slowly add to it and biuld the system up over a period of time. Give yourself 12 months and you wil have a greater understanding of marines and a better tank as it grows alongside you/ your girlfriend.

Just to give you an idea on how much you can save with a little knowledge... My 1st marine setup cost me £1500 and this was 40 UK gallons.
I now have a 220 UK gallon system at a fraction of this outlay. Admittedly i have been inthe right place at the right time with a few items. I also was lucky enoughto use old bits and pieces fro my older systems in this tank and of course use some of the liverock that was already purchased. But even with these things aside the cost has still be minimal and im very happy with the progress of the system.

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