Saltwater To Freshwater?


Fish Crazy
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Hey guys, I've had a saltwater 10g nano for 3-4 years now and am looking at switching to freshwater. What caught my eye was the neon tetras. Would I be able to have some in my 10g?
You most definately can have them in a 10 gallon tank, however they need to be added to a freshwater tank that has been cycled for at least 6 months. They don't do so well in a tank that isn't mature, so I would get another species of fish to get the tank matured, then replace them later with the neons.
You most definately can have them in a 10 gallon tank, however they need to be added to a freshwater tank that has been cycled for at least 6 months. They don't do so well in a tank that isn't mature, so I would get another species of fish to get the tank matured, then replace them later with the neons.

ACTUALLY, that info might be rather *wrong*; I have a tank that is matured for almost 2 months now and I have this one neon tetra, and now three more; with no problem, whatsoever! :D

But, still; don't get the neons right away. ;) Get, like.... platies or something. :D ^^;
Thanks guys, will do! I'll try the platies. Any other advice on some smaller, colorful, hardier fish I can add in the meantime before the neons? Sorry I'm totally new to the freshwater world and still trying to read and learn, so do you use tap water for water changes?? I'm tired of having to go buy RO/Distilled water and having to mix with salt for my saltwater tank. :/
Thanks guys, will do! I'll try the platies. Any other advice on some smaller, colorful, hardier fish I can add in the meantime before the neons? Sorry I'm totally new to the freshwater world and still trying to read and learn, so do you use tap water for water changes?? I'm tired of having to go buy RO/Distilled water and having to mix with salt for my saltwater tank. :/

You can use the distilled water, but you can just buy a conditioner from a lfs. Other small colorful fish... black neon tetras? They are hardier(a whole different species than neon tetras) and only get to 1.5 inches.

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