Saltwater Lighting


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Hey, this may sound pretty pathetic, and I bet it does lol... But I was curious to know what the technical term/name for the saltwater reef lighting system is? I want to make either my 6 or 10gallon tank into a nano tank for my dad for fathers day, and I was curious to know what exactly I need to ask for when I go to the store.
I would look for some 50/50 PC (power compact) they are a form of florecent light. You can also search specificly for T5 lighting. You will want at least 36 watts for this tank (in my opinion 36 watts of PC lighting is bare minimum for anything) I would reccomend bumping that light wattage up.

Remember you will want good cooling fans on your lights!

You want lights that have a color value of 10,000k to 14,000k

If money is not an issue you can seach for a 70w metal halide light. This is the best light you could get. It will allow you to grow almost any kind of coral or suport anything you want in this tank. MH lights are more expensive and need better cooling but they are defiently the best.
Agreed, you're probably lookint at dual 18watt Power compacts for the 6g, or at dual 36watt power compacts for the 10g. Where do you live, US or UK? Might be able to suggest some appropriate products :)

As Krazyturbo said, a 70watt halide would be good enough for anything you want to grow under them :)
alright, thanks much... I live in Canada, so if you could recommend any product that'd be great :good: I may actually be getting a 5-8 gallon nano tank with the lighting system already, so this may even save me from buying the lights lol... what are some good starter corals?
Well, if you can find one, the Coralife Mini Aqualight is a great little fixture for small tanks. Our canadian bretheren Lynden and Ter would be able to help you more on where to find lighting online. And never count out ebay ;)

As for starter corals, Zooanthids, Palythoa, Leathers, Xenia, Sinularia, Mushrooms, and pretty much any other soft coral are great starters.

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