Saltwater Forum For Emergencies?

Up at the top of the forum there is a tropical fish emergency subforum. But there are really only freshwater people up there. It's just a thought but would a Saltwater Emergency Room be a good idea?

99.9% of marine fish keepers keep tropical marine.
the forum title states tropical fish emergancies,
it doesn't exclude marine or brackish fish just coldwaterfish.
having said that people with coldwater fish do post in that forum so
perhaps just changing the title of the forum to fish emergancy or the
fish ER or someother name that don't exclude any temperature zones
might be the way to go.
Up at the top of the forum there is a tropical fish emergency subforum. But there are really only freshwater people up there. It's just a thought but would a Saltwater Emergency Room be a good idea?

99.9% of marine fish keepers keep tropical marine.
the forum title states tropical fish emergancies,
it doesn't exclude marine or brackish fish just coldwaterfish.
having said that people with coldwater fish do post in that forum so
perhaps just changing the title of the forum to fish emergancy or the
fish ER or someother name that don't exclude any temperature zones
might be the way to go.

that i can agree with :good:
Couldnt agree more with Andy/Callell. Any "emergency" topics, when there is any, are picked up by a member asap. A whole sub-forum for them would be totally useless.

As for a forum promoting more "Emerencies"..... LOL.

I hope SH (someone who actually visits the SW pages) can chime in and help these ideas float to the Mods forum for consideration. :)

Edit: Wolf, they are fine coming down to us in Marine Chit Chat. Thats where we hang out and check for posts, not in the FW pages. As it is, when someone posts up there, they all get directed or moved anyway.
Up at the top of the forum there is a tropical fish emergency subforum. But there are really only freshwater people up there. It's just a thought but would a Saltwater Emergency Room be a good idea?

99.9% of marine fish keepers keep tropical marine.
the forum title states tropical fish emergancies,
it doesn't exclude marine or brackish fish just coldwaterfish.
having said that people with coldwater fish do post in that forum so
perhaps just changing the title of the forum to fish emergancy or the
fish ER or someother name that don't exclude any temperature zones
might be the way to go.

The only problem with that is if other Marine members are like me, I never go near the Tropical sections, if it was necessary I am sure the MODS could add a link in the Marine section to take us to the Tropical Emergencys but as I say I think the General Marine Forum has it covered
I just got an idea the other night too.

Maybe a subforum could be made so that is covers areas like this:

Emergency Sub Forum:
--Topical Marine

Just a thought. :)
Caught this thread. This is my take on it:

This forum is BY FAR predominantly a FW forum. However, our section is rapidly growing and we DO have some highly qualified and highly experienced people here. I was intensely saturated with 'nano-ness' for a long time before coming here. I've almost seen all spectrums of nano reefing. Know where I started? Right here! The original idea for me to get into nano reefing started from a member HERE before there was even a nano section. She was a wonderful member and had a great tank. She's left us since. She was under consideration for being a mod.

What am I getting at? This forum is a small community right now. We are nowhere near being a Reef Central but then, I wouldn't want it to be that way. Yes....Reef Central is the Home Depot or marine keeping. TFF is the local ma and pa LFS where you get personal attention. Try and use RC's search engine midday without paying their $25 membership fee. Good luck on getting your search done.

I think an ER section in marine is probably going to be underposted. I agree that any SW emergency, as posted as such, would get immediate responses from our marine members. I also agree that the marine emergencies could be posted in the Tropical ER section, BUT, I believe it would get less attention as the chances are high that less of us peruse THAT section than we do our salt sections.

As for a scientific section, I always thought that it would be fun to have our own 'DIY' section (do it yourself), but, this could probably fit under Saltwater Hardware. As a mod, I try NOT to pester admin (William) for anything superfluous, but, I would be interested in hearing more about the section as mentioned by andywg.

The marine section works pretty well. My only irk is the amount of repetitive "new tank - what do I do?" "what equipment do I need?" etc posts.

Maybe a beginners section would be more helpful. The more experienced members can help the newbies and then the chit chat section could be kept clear of the same old posts and hopefully become more interesting and diverse.

I feel it would also help the newer, less experienced members. A journal section would also tidy up the chit chat area alot and could possibly go under the same section as the newbies. Then they could easily find threads concerning the set up of our tanks right from the start and hopefully get some help and tips from our experiences.
I think it's unnecessary. There's hardly any "help" posts that aren't replied to. I think that having a separate section for journals would be better, it would make the forum more organized without having tons and tons of sub forums for all different kinds of fish. Just one spot for all the journals to go, like in the Planted Tanks section. :good:

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