Saltwater Forum For Emergencies?


Fish Herder
Aug 7, 2004
Reaction score
Upstate NY
Up at the top of the forum there is a tropical fish emergency subforum. But there are really only freshwater people up there. It's just a thought but would a Saltwater Emergency Room be a good idea?
Probably not enough traffic im afraid Danno. Nice idea though. :nod: Id much rather see a sub-forum for all our tank journals exactly like that of the Planted forum. That would tidy things up! :D
Probably not enough traffic im afraid Danno. Nice idea though. yes.gif Id much rather see a sub-forum for all our tank journals exactly like that of the Planted forum. That would tidy things up! biggrin.gif
Agreed. :good:
both good and useful suggestions, just a problem with the amount of traffic they'd get.
I think its a good idea to have a marine emergency may not get a ton of traffic but it would be good to have a specific place for something like that and I think it wold attract more people to the site if we broaden the range of subjects within the fish keeping arena.I think the site needs to expand on the marine section in general,its Tropical Fish Forums,not Freshwater Tropical Fish Forums.Also we need a chit chat forum,u know just for b.s.
I think the site needs to expand on the marine section in general

I cant see how this would happen in the near future, due to the fact that in all honesty the Marine section only has IMO around 10 very knowledgable members who almost without fail end up answering every question (Have a look you will see certain names pop up in almost every post) - these people are only human and cannot be online everytime a question is asked - I have also noticed an awful lot that newbies have been answering questions that they really dont know anything about just because they didnt want the post to go unanswered :unsure:
I think its a good idea to have a marine emergency may not get a ton of traffic but it would be good to have a specific place for something like that and I think it wold attract more people to the site if we broaden the range of subjects within the fish keeping arena.I think the site needs to expand on the marine section in general,its Tropical Fish Forums,not Freshwater Tropical Fish Forums.Also we need a chit chat forum,u know just for b.s.
How would having an empty forum with almost no posts attract people?

Consider the Killifish sub-forum. If someone is looking for distinct killifish advice, when they see it has had 12 posts in the last month, or whatever, there is every chance they will move on to find a more active forum that is more likely to get a swift accurate response. I am not saying that wouldn't happen here, but if I see a forum with almost no posts on it then I tend to move on.

The site doesn't really need to expand the marine section as there aren't that many people posting down there. This isn't Reef Central and as such we don't have enough members actively pursuing narrow objectives to split marine down into (say) SPS, LPS, softies, anemones, breeding etc.

The one forum I would like to see would be a more science/techy forum for both FW and SW in which discussions about more complicated things could happen, such as the nature of the symbiotic relationship of zooanthellae and corals or recent research on the effects of chloramine on our FW filter colonies, or discussions of the ideal colour spectrum and bulbs for both coral and plant growth.

We are starting to get a fair few advanced keepers here and I think the forum could do well. It would also offer a good place for people to ask more advanced general questions.
Indeed, I know I don't bother asking anything because I know it will either get shoved to the bottom by a million 'hey guyz gots a new tank lolz!!! wot fish should i get!!?????11?' posts, or indeed, attract nothing but equally 'lolz i dunno!!!1 cool qestion tho!!!111' posts... Alas, I shall have to spend more evening time scouring Google for brief mentions of fish no one in the world keeps, or just pester the Chat Posse with rhetorical questions...
I think that this may be the first time I've agreed with an idea for a new topic. While the amount of traffic might be very low, I think that if someone is helped out in an emergency situation it's justified. This is a case where the amount of traffic shouldn't be a determining factor in whether or not to have it. Given the main purpose of this site, I think it should be there even if it only gets used a few times a month. This is a very good example of how this site can be a real godsend to someone in a bad situation. I would guess that very few of our saltwater enthusiasts frequent the Tropical Fish Emergencies section but would be much more likely to check an emergency section dealing with Saltwater. The subject is sufficiently dfferent from freshwater situations that it really should be seperated. I think it's an excellent idea and I support it.
I think that this may be the first time I've agreed with an idea for a new topic. While the amount of traffic might be very low, I think that if someone is helped out in an emergency situation it's justified. This is a case where the amount of traffic shouldn't be a determining factor in whether or not to have it. Given the main purpose of this site, I think it should be there even if it only gets used a few times a month. This is a very good example of how this site can be a real godsend to someone in a bad situation. I would guess that very few of our saltwater enthusiasts frequent the Tropical Fish Emergencies section but would be much more likely to check an emergency section dealing with Saltwater. The subject is sufficiently dfferent from freshwater situations that it really should be seperated. I think it's an excellent idea and I support it.

TBH a emergency marine section would just dilute an already quiet marine section

Most problems/emergencys are posted on Marine Chit Chat & are picked up quickly

Just dont see the need for it
If emergency situations are already being picked up in Marine Chit Chat and it's working well, then I suppose the need isn't there. I don't spend enough time in the marine section to judge, so I'll defer to those who do. It did seem like a good idea though.
If its there more people will use it ,there by increasing the amount of traffic in the section, there by increasing the number of knowlegable people with in the community on that paticular subject.I beleive the larger the community the more info and opinions you will be exposed to which will help people see things in a different light.Not to mention that alot of people have both salt and fresh water tanks, so why go to 2 or 3 different forums when you can find what you need on 1.I think it should be seriously looked into.

there won't be a general chat forum, see this pinned topic

I was just joking sbout that. :rolleyes:
Surely people would only use a SW emergency thread if there is an emergency?

If people will use it just because it is there, then it will not be for emergencies and the mods will be moving loads of threads to the right place.

There really is absolutely no need for an emergency thread at all in SW. If someone desperately needs info they put it in the title in Marine Chit Chat and it is picked up quickly.

The sheer cost of setting up marine tanks means far more people research first, rather than jumping in. As a result, the emergencies are less common as most people have an idea of what can go wrong and plan for it. There has been what, a couple of posts in the last few weeks that were emregencies? Hardly justifies a whole sub forum. And an empty sub forum will not attract people.
The sheer cost of setting up marine tanks means far more people research first, rather than jumping in. As a result, the emergencies are less common as most people have an idea of what can go wrong and plan for it.

Oh I dont know abot that, there seems to be a lot of newbies on here who just throw thing together & hope for the best

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