Fish Herder
Up at the top of the forum there is a tropical fish emergency subforum. But there are really only freshwater people up there. It's just a thought but would a Saltwater Emergency Room be a good idea?
Agreed.Probably not enough traffic im afraid Danno. Nice idea though. yes.gif Id much rather see a sub-forum for all our tank journals exactly like that of the Planted forum. That would tidy things up! biggrin.gif
I think the site needs to expand on the marine section in general
How would having an empty forum with almost no posts attract people?I think its a good idea to have a marine emergency forum.it may not get a ton of traffic but it would be good to have a specific place for something like that and I think it wold attract more people to the site if we broaden the range of subjects within the fish keeping arena.I think the site needs to expand on the marine section in general,its Tropical Fish Forums,not Freshwater Tropical Fish Forums.Also we need a chit chat forum,u know just for b.s.
I think that this may be the first time I've agreed with an idea for a new topic. While the amount of traffic might be very low, I think that if someone is helped out in an emergency situation it's justified. This is a case where the amount of traffic shouldn't be a determining factor in whether or not to have it. Given the main purpose of this site, I think it should be there even if it only gets used a few times a month. This is a very good example of how this site can be a real godsend to someone in a bad situation. I would guess that very few of our saltwater enthusiasts frequent the Tropical Fish Emergencies section but would be much more likely to check an emergency section dealing with Saltwater. The subject is sufficiently dfferent from freshwater situations that it really should be seperated. I think it's an excellent idea and I support it.
there won't be a general chat forum, see this pinned topic http/www.fishforums.net/General-Chat-Section-t174797.html
The sheer cost of setting up marine tanks means far more people research first, rather than jumping in. As a result, the emergencies are less common as most people have an idea of what can go wrong and plan for it.