Saltwater Books


Fish Fanatic
Aug 23, 2004
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i have had freshwater tanks for years. I want to start a saltwater tank. I am looking for a good book. I want a book or books, that would explain to me how to setup a tank, ie , a how to set up a sump. how to bulid a reef rack. etc. Does anyone know of any books that are good that could help me
"Natural Reef Aquariums" Not sure who publishes it or the authors name. I will try and find out for you as i want this book too!

It goes into all sorts of tank dsigns, sumps, refugiums etc. Live rock setup, DSB setups and mud setups.

I will hphone my LFS later and ask them as they have it in stock there. (I think its about £34.99)
I Think the auther is John H Tullock have a look on Play or Amazon they should have a copy, might get it cheaper. ;)
"Natural ref aquariums" and "Reef secrets" are both good.

ste :)
Reef secrets is highly recomended!
a good book for the actual set-up of the tank is "the conscientious marine
aquarium", I beleive the authors name is robert fenner.
yep another good boom i beleive. I have not read it myself but alot of experienced keepre i know if have it in their collectio so this is usually a good sign.

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