Salt Is Itchy


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
weston, UK
ive been waiting and wanting to get back into marines, since selling up and travelling abit a few months ago.

i have an oppertunity i hope if all goes to plan, of insulating my garage and creating a fish room majority for tropical breeding but i thought hey, why not do a marine again.

i dont want a small tank, the tanks ive been looking at are 5x2x2, 6x2x2 or a 7x2x2 simple fowlr maybe some softies depending on what fish i get, heres where i get wound up though i dont know wether to go for mean and aggresive or nice and communal ..... all i know i want is a regal angel again and either a purple tang or 5 yellows.

just thought id warn you that in the next few months i could be venturing salty again, of course tropical is more important so got to get some breeders up and running first :p

o i may also may need help designing a decent sump set up ive been away from the salty world so long ive lost all knowledge of sumps!
Hey Shib, good to see you again. The bug never goes away does it? ;)
tell me about it specially when there staring at you at work ..... just wanna take them home! ... my wallet is probably crying at the thought though.

think if i have the room and money in my garage a 7x2x2 will be sweet few tangs and just generally stuff i couldnt fit in my 40 or 15gallon tanks, tangs have now officially taken over my marine favourate species, the wrasses just arent offering enough any more :p
wow, I hope the no wrasses were listening when you made that statement... haha

7x2x2 is a beautiful size and should give you plenty of room to explore a different tang species. Good luck and do keep us in the loop... love to see how this progresses.

Ox :good:
How bout the big non-reef safe wrasses. Thalassoma genus, etc. Maybe a nice big harlequin tusk?
ive got a few ideas, only problem with a big tank is that its still easy to overstock. i would love a harlequin tusk forgot about them! bit i still want some softies and a clean up crew. thinking about risking a snowflake and marine betta though, o and ski a trio of flasher wrasses are also a condisderation.

dwarf angels would be able to be kept in groups in a large enough tank wont they?

o and can anyone design me a really simpel sump say 4'x1.1/2'x1.1/5 or similar size. all im thinking is in, refugium, skimmer and return.
trying to sort out a quote for the tank.

so 2 weirs either end woudl be better im guessing to stop surface skum, how big will i need to drainage holes ? on the 6 foot i had it had 2 holes in each weir though im thinking about just one on either side.
got some quotes now and they seem cheaper then how much my 180 would of cost brand new which is good! drilled with weirs as well. all i need to do now is insulate my garage, then a nice 7x2x2 could bring me back.

someone stop me now before i spend money :lol:

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