This shrimp is so good it needs to be seen in wide
I am getting some salt gathering around the edge of my tank and I know this is because of evapouration. I know one could simply top it off again with de-chlorinated freshwater, but I had preffered the water levels lower because of live rock going in. So I just took the salt off with a cloth. So my questions,
1. Is that ok to wipe the salt off instead of freshwater topping up?
2. What type of freshwater do you use to top up? De-chlorinated freshwater I take it?
Sorry about the questions after questions in other posts too - just gotta be sure.
1. Is that ok to wipe the salt off instead of freshwater topping up?
2. What type of freshwater do you use to top up? De-chlorinated freshwater I take it?
Sorry about the questions after questions in other posts too - just gotta be sure.