Salt and Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
I recently read an article that said not to ad salt to a tank with catfish. Well my tank is still cycling but eventually I want to get a Bristlenose but I am wondering if I can. I added salt to the tank when I originally set it up. That was over a month ago. Will it be ok to introduce a catfish? Or did I ruin it allready?
Since salt does not evaporate, you can dilute it with water changes...that is the only way it is removed. I would do a few water changes and then you'd probably be okay. I have cory cats and I do add a bit of salt sometimes. Usually if someone gets a rip or something....

Not sure how tolerent a bristle nose is...hopefully someone more knowledgeable on them can help more...
As a general rule, salt and catfish do not mix. However, you aren't stuck with salt in the tank forever. As you begin a regular maintenance routine, the salt will be gradually siphoned out with the water during water changes, and will eventually drop to a negligible level, making it safe for you to add catfish. This is assuming, of course, that you don't add more salt in the meanwhile. Even still, I wouldn't trust that the majority of the salt had been removed until I'd done several water changes - how many depends on how much water you change each time.


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