Salinity For Clowns


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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is a salinity level of 1.020 okay for clowns?
Yeah, for judst about any fish for that matter. Any corals/inverts, probably not
ohh okay great. also, when i'am doing a water change. do i need to make the water 1.020 same as the tank or it doesn't matter. cus i add 2 cups of salt per-1gallons. i think that is alot?
try to make it the same, but if you ever want to increase it do it over a period of a week to two weeks dependent on what you want the end result to be.
i use a measuring cup (for baking lol) with Coralife Salt.
Can you be 100% certain that it hasn't drifted? They may be OK when brand new, but anything that cost less that £50 is likely to go off where it should be after a few uses, even if you follow the directions correctly :sad: Could you get the reading cross-referenced with a calibrated Refractometer? They do tend to say the salinity is fine when it's actually too high when they do drift...

All the best
dunno what you mean, my water has always been at 1.020 or so after a cleanup 25%
According the the hydrometer. If it drifts up, you won't notice untill the tank crashes and you take a sample of water to the LFS to check your kits aren't giving false lows..... I'd get the salinity reading checked if you have any reason to doubt it at any point, as with where you are adding an unusually large amount of salt to get a low-ish reading...

All thee best
i'am not sure if it has drifted no idea. i only used it a few times thus far.
calibrate it and test again, and take a water sample to your LFS and have them test it with a refractometer, if the reading the give you is miles different to the reading you got with a hydrometer, but a refractometer

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