NinaApparently I lied - the "tetras" are Harlequin Rasbora
The bumblebee catfish - unfortunately I have no idea what species they are. They are not what they were sold as because they are currently around the 4 - 5 inch mark and were suppose to stop at around 2.5 - 3.
This is the best match picture and size wise that I can come up with - Pseudomystus siamensis. They haven't grown in the last year or so though
On a postage issue - I would prefer not to have to post them, just a little concerned about doing it. If you are going to be willing to pay for postage & heat packs, then you would be close enough for me to drive most of the way there and you just pay me for delivery instead.
If they are indeed Pseudomystus siamensis (as bagrids they will have two nasal barbels, so 8 barbels instead of 6 if they were the south american bumblebees), then I'll knock them off my want list - sorry
Anyway, I'll wait for ladylouroll to make a decision as to which ones/whether you'll deliver, but would like first dibs on the woodcats please.