[Sale] 7X/15X Amazon Frogbit Plants (1+ Inches In Diameter)

Hi, I'd be interested in 15 if you have anymore left? Thanks :rolleyes:

PM your paypal details and I'll issue an invoice. Thanks.

PM sent... Thanks :)

Invoice issued. Thanks!

Hi,if you still have this plant I would like some of them. I will PM you with my info if you have any left.

Yes, I've still got some left. PM your paypal details and I'll make out an invoice.

Hi, don't suppose you have any of these left?

Yup, I do :nod:

Still got some? If you do pm me your paypal details :)

Done :good:
Hi there, just wondered if you had £3 worth of this left? If so could you send me an invoice please? My e-mail address is d.raynham@live.co.uk

Thanks very much!
i will take another £5's worth for my breeding tank please :good:

Yes of course. You should receive a paypal invoice shortly. Good luck with the breeding :good:

Hi there, just wondered if you had £3 worth of this left? If so could you send me an invoice please? My e-mail address is d.raynham@live.co.uk

Thanks very much!

Invoice generated. Thanks!
Just a quick update,Brought 2 lots from this seller,I dont think any of his plants died in my tank.
Most roots were only an inch or so long when i received them,and some of the plants were small(ordered small plants) when brought,some of the roots are now 6-8" long and the plants are 2-3" across,and looking good.

They have started to produce shoots,that have started to grow into new plants.

Good plants at a good price.
Just a quick update,Brought 2 lots from this seller,I dont think any of his plants died in my tank.
Most roots were only an inch or so long when i received them,and some of the plants were small(ordered small plants) when brought,some of the roots are now 6-8" long and the plants are 2-3" across,and looking good.

They have started to produce shoots,that have started to grow into new plants.

Good plants at a good price.

Many thanks for the feedback, Sam. Very glad the plants are doing well in your tanks.
Sam ordered a large number of Amazon Frogbit plants (over 75 in total I believe) that were slightly smaller than the plants than sent to others, but as reported back these grow fast!

Payment sent, thankyou very much! How quick does this grow?


Given sufficient light these can grow very fast. nicolaisam ordered some small Amazon Frogbit plants a few weeks back and these have already grown significantly.

i will take another £5's worth for my breeding tank please :good:

Yes of course. You should receive a paypal invoice shortly. Good luck with the breeding :good:

Payment sent :good:

My pregnant swordtail munched most of the old lot! :angry: Need some for my Betta Breeding

Some random fish do take a liking to the plants! I've noticed endlers occasionally nipping at the Amazon Frogbit roots but not the leaves.
All the best with the Bettas. The plants should encourage bubble nesting behaviour.

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