Sajica Cichlids (t-bar Cichlids)


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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While trying to figure out what type of cichlids I wanted for my 50 gallon (thought it was a 55 gallon but it's actually a 50 gallon) I came across some Sajica cichlids and thought they were really beautiful cichlids. I also thought Blue Acaras were beautiful and after thinking about which ones to get I decided to go with the Acaras.

A month later and my mind is still on those Sajica cichlids. I've visited a couple stores and at one store there is a lone beautiful (3-4 inches) male and at another store there is a lone (3-4 inches) beautiful female. Their colors and their blue eyes are just stunning! From pictures on the net they look like fish without a lot of color but in person they look like a rainbow. I really want to get them. From what I've read the way these cichlids work is they are very accepting of partners so I wouldn't have the issues of having to get 6 juvies and see which ones pair off naturally.

Anyways on to the questions..I've been reading up on them and everyone seems to have differing opinions on what is a suitable tank size. Some sites I've read say a 20-25 gallon long tank is perfectly fine for a pair and other sites say they need a minimum tank size of 40 gallons. So what is a good tank size? The tank I'm looking to house them in is a 36.5 gallon long tank.

Also Some sites I've read they say they are very peaceful cichlids (unless breeding) and can be kept in community type set-ups. The 36.5 gallon long tank at the moment has 5 Cherry barbs and 5 Harlequin rasboras in it. Would they get along with the cherry barbs and Harlequin rasboras or would I be asking for trouble? If the barbs and rasboras were moved out would the 36.5 gallon long tank work for a pair?

And the last question I have is some sites list these guys at staying around 4-5-6 inch mark while others say they can get as large as 8 inches. Is the 8 inches normal in captivity? How large do they get?

Hope there is someone out there who has these cichlids or has some knowledge on them because I'd love to get them sometime this week if I have a tank large enough to house them. :)

There are different reasons why you find conflicting info. For one, many sights provide info based on quantity and not quality. For another there are many variable involved. I've never heard of an 8" specimen and they won't get past 6" if that. Your 36 gallon is good for them, but if you were hoping to have them spawn then it really would be best to keep it a species tank unless you opted for a larger tank, where there'd be room for the cichlids breeding territory along with space for the fish to get away. If you wanted to try tankmates Rasboras are best because they're more willing to stay in the top half of the tank. Barbs are roamers and spend a lot of time near the bottom and would only aggravate the cichlids.
I've got two Sajica and they are fantastic! They are so peaceful, never bother other fish, and are a joy to watch as they are very beautiful and graceful - those jewel like blue eyes are stunning too! I keep my two in a 200 litre community tank with guppys, corydoras, panchax, rams and khuli loaches. They seem to like having plants to hide in and love having a piece of pipe to make their home in.

Mine have just dug a *huge* pit at the side of the tank to lay eggs in - they apparantly do this againsts a flat vertical surface, and true enough, these have made one wall of their pit the side of my tank and another is a big rock. They dug up a load of plants to do this however, which was a bit annoying! It's fascinating watching them dig the pit, they suck up pieces of gravel in their mouth, carry them off and deposit them elsewhere.

Oh yes, and if you get a male/female pair, they are very sweet, ours do absolutely everything together, and even dug the pit together, it was lovely to watch!

They are definately my favourites in our tank at the moment, I don't think you'll regret getting some!

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