Sailfin Plec


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2006
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sunny old essex
hi all.i have a 5 inch common sailfin plec.i believe these grow to a fair size.i was wondering if when it gets to large for my tank,a juwel 125.would it be hardy enough to survive in my pond?the pond is a good size.7 f00t long ang 3 foot deep. :sly:
I know that some people in the warmer states in the US have put plecs in ponds - mainly commons. However, I'm not sure it's mild enough over here to do the same. :/
hi all.i have a 5 inch common sailfin plec.i believe these grow to a fair size.i was wondering if when it gets to large for my tank,a juwel 125.would it be hardy enough to survive in my pond?the pond is a good size.7 f00t long ang 3 foot deep. :sly:

Only if you're prepared to heat the pond to the same temp as a tropical tank during the winter! I used to live in Essex and even though it's 'down south' it still gets too chilly from Sept-June!

It would be feasible to do but would cost a lot, you would also have to look into some kind of insulation and make sure that the pond has the right sort of habitat for him. All in all I think he'd be a lot happier in a tank designed for him than a garden pond. However I'm no expert, maybe someone here knows how to 'improve' a pond so that it's suitable for plecs.
aparently a common pleco can survive in the high 50oF's
not sure if this is true and i dont wanna risk testing it really.
people do put plecostomus in ponds but like Egmel said, heating maybe required.

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