Saggy Starfish?


New Member
Jul 14, 2009
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Alright, here's the sitch. The setup I'm running with my ccs is a ten gallon with a marineland filter and a small heater specifically for this size aquarium. My nitrates are at 40 ppm and nitrites are at about .8 (will be doing a waterchange tomorrow). Salinity is never a problem for this little aquarium. Temp is about 77 • F. The only critters I have in this little setup are my ccs and two small ocellaris (paired, but not mated).

Here is what is worrying me. My ccs has been looking a little, well, saggy. It likes to be on the glass but I've noticed just very recently that its starting to look "saggy". The chips and chip mound look to be less firm than usual and almost hang just a little bit rather than being firm and sticking straight out. I also noticed some whit areas that look as if they're cracks on the sides of the legs, is this normal? There are a few small spots that look to have been nibbled on, and I'll keep an eye on that. I'm mostly concerned with the sagginess. What might be causing this? As for feeding it, I do have frozen baby shrimp that I tried to feed it but I'm not sure if it got it or not. I also have srimp pellets that I put near it when its on the glass, and I'll place fish food flakes near it as well. I never know if its eating or not though. All advice would be greatly appreciated!
these guys eat algae, mysis shrimp, chopped shell fish. Can be fussy about water though..water changes may help but these stars can be prone to "crumble" , like many others. Drop your nitrates and nitrites and they may regenerate....

Also..try a red light at night time and watch out for small crabs, etc coming out of your rocks, typical little hitch hikers, who might be doing some of the damage here. out at night after lights go out, try a red light and watch out for small shrimp or crabs coming out of rocks...typical little hitch hikers who could be doin some damage.
what is your sg sitting at

Well I didn't measure it last night but in my small ten gallon my sg has never been an issue, its usually perfectly on or slightly above target and its never been below.

Also I don't have any live rock in that setup, but I have some live sand. Would it help to get some live rock for my star to munch on? I'm going to my store today so could pick some up if that is recommended.
yes i would just so it get a bit more food

1st make sure it is cured live rock

2nd make sure you get some nice piecies with lots of algea

3rd test your salt level

and bring your nitrates down by dowing a water change
Well, bad news on the starfish front. This morning I turned the light on and my CCS was upside down with it's "gums" protruding from its mouth. I didn't quite know what to do with it but when I got back home, he had torn himself apart and had absolutely disintegrated. I pulled him out as soon as I saw that and am doing a water change as we speak. I'm filtering water now. My clowns didn't seem affected, and hopefully it'll stay that way. I ADORE my clowns and would probably cry if anything happened to them! =(

I picked up some live rock also. I got two that weighed about four and a half pounds each and one that weighed about two pounds. I put the two pounder in the ten gallon tank and the other two in my twenty nine gallon. All of the live rock I get from this store is already cured.

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