Safest Way To Divide A Tank?


New Member
Jul 16, 2008
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Portland, OR USA
I've heard a lot about people getting bigger tanks and putting dividers in so you dont have to maintain tons of filtered/heated tanks to separate male bettas, but I was curious how it worked with their tendency to jump... My fiancee's family used to have a tank with a divider to separate their male from their female, and it seemed like every other day the male would find a way to jump over to the female's side and would bully her mercilessly.

I'd love to try something similar to separate males, but I'm worried about them killing each other if they managed to "hop the fence". Is there a trick, or is it just getting the right kinds of dividers? Do you need to keep the water a couple inches low? Also, how's the maintenance for such a set up? I'm used to community tanks and having algae eaters/bottom feeders around to keep things clean enough to only need a water change or two a month. With dividers that doesn't seem as possible unless maybe I used a snail that climbed over the dividers... Ideas?
I use craft mesh, measure the tank, cut it to size and slide it i use gravel to hold it in place, but ill be stopping thata t the next water change.

Also..yes keep the water level a little low...also, if its gona be permadent, use aquarium silicone to keep it in.,
ask DUSKY on here how she does hers, but dont do it the way she does, she ended up with silicon everywhere and i mean everywhere :hyper: but IMO they do look awesome when she has finished them and given herself and her kitchen a good wash down :lol:
Don't forget though that Dusky does hers in Neon Pink :lol: :lol:
Don't forget though that Dusky does hers in Neon Pink :lol: :lol:
oh yeah she does, mind you she is working on a massive divided tank atm, dont know how far she has got with it but she came to the shop for silicone the other day so its any day now, mind you thats prob why she has vanished, prob stuck to the kitchen table screaming for help with a sheet of pink mesh stuck to her cheek :hyper:
Oooo, I like this "Similar topics" thingy thats at the bottom of each topic... Makes me feel silly for asking the same question that's apparently been asked before, but I found a link someone posted that had all the details :blush:

Neon pink dividers? That sounds like an interesting story :D
Oooo, I like this "Similar topics" thingy thats at the bottom of each topic... Makes me feel silly for asking the same question that's apparently been asked before, but I found a link someone posted that had all the details :blush: [URL=""][/URL]

Neon pink dividers? That sounds like an interesting story :D
it was until she convinced herself that her betta didnt agree with the decor, he was a light colour and he blended in with the decor and divider so well that you could hardly see him as the entire tank is pink. :lol: :lol: :lol: she'll come on here and shoot at me soon
I shouldn't laugh really considering what our baby tank looks like :blush: This one is for the biggest babies!!!

That does add some color to the tank :) ! Hows the filter handle all the dividers? Is it overpowered for the tank size, or do the filters not affect it much? Also, does it seem to get algae and gunk on the sides faster, or about the same?
plastic needlework backing, report binder slides and a few suction cups, well you can suction cup or silcon.

Id get you a pic, but my camera is out of batterys.

off to find me some batterys.
We have one sponge filter in this tank and the dividers all have holes in so the water can move around the tank. It only houses our 3 month old babies so it's not having to deal with a huge bio load. There are also no plants or substrate as it makes it easier to clean out without stressing the babies so much. We don't have much of a problem with algae and if it does build up then we just wipe them and occasionally take them out to clean (with the 2 bettas bagged up of course) lol
heres a pic of my girls divided tank, the far left space is empty right now. but you can see the set up very easy, its a fairly powerfull hang on the back type filter so it gets very good water flow threw the mesh. the mesh is trimmed so it goes up above the water line all the way till it touchs the hood, so no jumping over.

Ahh, thanks! That pic really helps. I didnt even think about leaving gravel out, that would make it easier to clean... Good stuff to keep in mind :) My little 6 gallon tank is just about done cycling, should be ready in a day. My fiancee talked me into sticking to one betta before jumping straight into divided tanks, especially since we've invested in the lil 6 gallon one already, hehe. We've got it all decorated pretty like, so we'll have that running for a few months before I look into swiping mom and dad's extra 10 gallon tank they have so I can divide it up ;) Eeeee.... I'm excited! I'll have to take pics of how we've decorated the 6gal tank and post it once I steal my fiancee's camera :D

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