Safely Integrating Two Tangs {sf & Pbt}


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Hi all,

I am creating a tank divider using 3mm perspex


Its for a jewel 240 FO system, I am introducing two tangs together (Sailfin {3" in tank for 3 months already} and a PBT { 2 1/2" from friend}, I know for you tang police that this system is far far too small, it is a tempory measure as I am getting the fish from a friend and in the process of building myself a 8ft FOWLR sytem (Also they are very small tangs and there tangs don't appear to have developed yet, this correct?).

Has anyone ever introduced tangs this way?

I am planning on introducing the fish, accessing how they react to each other, and are building this divider as a contingency plan to allow them to intergrated without killing each other. Removing it every couple of days/weeks depending on reaction. On introduction the current rocks will be moved into two islands either side of the tank with plenty of hiding either side for the tangs, also I am going to use two feeding clips and put them in the centre of the divider so the eat together in effect and get use two each other? The holes are for the 2 x baby tomatoes to swim between and my lovable blue cheaked goby.

Any comments or recommeded suggestions for improvement?

Regards and thanks in advance;

hey im not a member of the tang poliuce lol but how many gallons is the juwel?
Don't worry Lavalamp; you won't find any @$%& "tang police" here. :good: I agree, it sounds like a good idea. The two species are dissimiliar anyways; a fight between the two is exceedingly unlikely.
Many thanks for that vote of confidence lynden ;)

Fingers crossed it will all go well,

Does anyone know at what age/size tangs start to develop lethel tangs on the tail?


240 litre is far to small for 1 Tang, especially one that can grow as large as a Sailfin

And to half the tank gives the Tangs even less space to swim

Bad idea my friend
I believe they will have them fairly early in life. They are sharp enough to damage even a Trigger or other armoured fishes' skin, but they are very rarely used for anything but show. My two Tangs will occasionally "wave" at eachother but have yet to do any damage. I myself have been "waved" at by a Convict Tang on a rocky underwater plateau in Hawaii. I also aquired my own little pilotfish at one point :hey:

I haveused a perspex divider and it does work.

Im afriad the tank is very small however and nowhere near large enough for 1 tang let alone 2.
Their scalpels are on them from a very young age. long before any arrive inour home systems.
And yes they do use themmostly for show as they can do alot of damage.. but beleive me however.. they will use them if the other fish doesnt get out of its territory (and they rarely can in a tank) then it will get sliced.

I have witnessed this firast hand.. i have seen a sohal gut and kill an anthias simply because it was hidingin the rock crrevas thathtesohal wanted.

I had my veryo wn achilles tang attack and slice upen a 1 inch gash along the gut of my blueface angel.

When they use em they dont take prisoners. :unsure:
Now I am really scared;

I put the PBT in on Friday with the perspex divide; I have now found out the the Sailfin tang even though smaller is the agressor! He also camaflages himself on the rocks when the lights go out waiting to attack. The PBT has settled right in, darting around like I don't know what he is eating a incredible amount of nori and brime shrimp compared with the sailfin.

Friday: When I initially put the PBT in the tank the sailfin instantly went to the divider and started thrashing his tail against the perspex raising his sails fully. This continued to saturday morning.
Saturday: Sailfin has stoped the tail thrashing and now just monitor the PBT through the divider he is not even opening his sails (Hopefully getting used to the PBT?)
Saturday evening: Sailfin has adopted a new sleeping hole close to the divider monitoring the PBT throughout the night.
Sunday: I put both nori feeding clips facing each other on the perspex divide, both tangs have calmed down incredibly and eating together through the perspex!!! (Hopefully a good sign?)
Monday Morning: All is very calm both tangs appear to have established the divide as thier own teritory including now sleeping either side of the tank in the caves I made with rock.

I think I will keep the divide in for a week and then remove it and monitor them over night. Fingers crossed the aggression will have subsided. Any other ideas on how to subdue tang aggression? Or ways to improve the method of introduction to date?


I am always so surprised when people talk about aggressive Tangs 'cause mine never fight at all, and are larger fish in a smaller tank!
There is tang police everywhere!!!

For all you tang police out there it it possible to intergrate two BABY tangs in a 240 litre aquarium;

The perspex divide worked a treat! I got them feeding together of the mirrored clips and removed the perspex divide, I watched them all night with the divide on standby, there was no aggression and they are now feeding of the same clip!!!

They are even sharing the same cave!

2days of intergration and all is going well! The decider will be when they have been together for a month! I will keep all updated!

woo good glad to here, also as long as tangs are in the comercial trade the tang police will be out and about, its just telling the difference between the vigilantis and the people who are concearned for the fish' health. Id say keep the divider to hand because i have the feeling that they could fal out pretty easy but hope yours are the exception ;)
You may have overcome the integration of the 2 Tangs but that wasnt the main problem IMO

The main issue is having 2 Tangs in a tank that is to small for 1 :unsure:

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