Safe To Keep A Gold Nugget With A Common Plec?


New Member
May 4, 2009
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Bournemouth, UK
We currently have a common plec in our 60 gallon tank, he shares the bottom with 2 shrimp and all is going well, have had him for about 8 months now..

We have been thinking about buying a Gold Nugget Plec but wondering whether it will be compatible with our pleccy, I have heard that they can get territorial but getting mixed opinions from different websites e.g:

''The risk for violence is probably lower if you combine large plecos from different species with each other''

Does anyone else keep more than one plec in a tank and has this been successful?

Confused, please help!!
the common plec is going to outgrow the 60 gallon tank anyway. plus golden nuggets get very teritorial towards other bottom dwellers when they mature. best advice would be re-home the common and just have the golden nugget

Thanks for the advice. :)

We know pleccy will outgrow the tank eventually, we have already upgraded from a 35l to our 60 gallon tank (he was teeny when we first got him), at the moment he is 1/10th of the length of the tank. Do they say that when he gets bigger than 1/4th of the length its time to get bigger tank? If this is correct he should be happy for the next 8 months - year i'm guessing?

We have also grown pretty attached to him :wub: so wouldn't want to sell him or give him away, but we also don't have the space to get a second large tank in our teeny flat.

So i take it that getting a Gold Nugget with our Common Plec would be a bad idea knowing they would be housed together for at least a year??
I keep a variety of L series plecs in a couple of long as ample cover and territories are provided you should be ok. Adding bogwood for your nugget,if purchased, would be a good idea as i have regularly seen mine actually graze on the wood itself!!!!
Adding sinking wafers,pellets ,etc in several locations on the bottom at feeding time i also a good way to ensure all cats get amplw feeding.
as buddy said, mixing plecs is fine, but only with the space, big enough tank and lots of bogwood, I find bog wood better than hidy holes as they will all stick to it and ignore one another coz of all its lumps and bumps. In my six footer is a sail fin, candy stripe plec, L147, rusty plec, royal panaque,1 papa pleco, 1 adult male bristle nose, 2 female adult bristlenose and about 8 bristle nose babies. never had any issues at all. but it probably because they got space.
Or because all of those are placid plecs mebe. I don't know about papa plecs, but all the others are not really renound for being aggressive (bar possibly the sailfin), the GN's on the other hand are down right nasty IME. In a 4X2X2, a 3" GN was battering my 3 4" L66's untill I caught it latching and it got extradited to someone else's tank. I would not mix GN's with other plecos myself :no:
Check this link out .

It's a Gold nugget .

I would not mix those two types. I have a Clown pleco are a BN both female. They live ust fine together. But the Gold nugget can be a bit more aggressive. You could try if it works cool if not then one needs a new home.
The other is said to be a rubber nose. Wierd I think. No real telling who started
The fight
We don't know what's going on In The tank.

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