Safe Temperature For Cories


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
A few weeks back i had a small case of whitespot,this appeared to just be on a few skunk cories,and disappeared after using interpet anti whitespot treatment,i dosed the 2 lots.
Now i don't know if i'm being paranoid,but 2 skunks have what appears to have whitespots on their black stripes again,no other fish has these spots from what i can see... :crazy:

Now i don't really what to dose the tank again,not keen on having meds in the tank has it knocks my nitrite about,

Whats the safest temperature i can raise it too without causing stress to the cories,at the moment its on 24.5.and would just raising the temp work without meds?

Tank has skunks,trilineatus,pygmys,pandas,guppies,platies,harleys & ember tetras.
Any help appreciated
Hi Harlequins.

raising the temp will rid the white spot but it will have to be raised to 30C which isnt good for most corys im affraid. i would try a different treatment but having so far being lucky not to ever had ich i couldnt suggest any.... sorry!
Hi I used Protozin (by Waterlife) on the one occasion that I had whitespot and I did raise the temperature, but only a little (from about 25°C to 27°) because I was also concerned about how my cories would take it. The treatment worked very successfully, but it does stain the water and makes it look pretty horrible whilst it's in there. Maybe try posting on the 'Tropical Fish Emergencies' forum, as Wilder (who hangs out there) will no doubt be able to advise you as to the best course of action. Best of luck with getting rid of it.
Hi Harlequins :)

While it's possible for corys to get ick, it's not very common. Please be absolutely certain of the diagnosis before you treat for this or raise the temperature. If it's a bacterial infection you are likely to make it worse.
Thanks everyone :)

Well i am now confused... :huh:

Last time i'm certain it was definately whitespot,they remained on the corys for a day or so until i treated the tank.

Well i checked the fish this morning,and they have no sign of spots at all :blink: ,could grains of sand stick temporarily to them making it look like spots?,the skunks especially are always digging in the sand...long shot i know,but less every single spot has dropped off,they're not showing at the moment.

I will check them again later,it was more noticeable on the male,but nowt this morning.
Sometimes mine get bits of sand stuck to them, but it does come off after a bit of swimming about. Not for a long period of time.

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