Safe Plants?


Sep 4, 2008
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swansea wales UK
ok, so i need to get some plants to go in one of my tanks.

there are shrimps in that tank (and i've had shrimp - half a tanks worth of - poisoned by stuff from plants) and i need to know that any plants i put in there are safe. so, is there any way to know if plants have toxic chemicals on them?

If not, how do you make plants safe for use with inverts?

would putting them in a bucket with a filter running with carbon do the trick?
Any plants you buy from an LFS should technically be safe. The problem comes from the water they are kept in at the LFS rather than the plants themselves. The shops keep them with chemicals in the water designed to kill snails. These chemicals are equally lethal to shrimp which is why they killed your shrimp.

What I do is keep plants in a bucket of tap water for a couple of days before adding them to my tank, changing the water a few times before im ready. A filter with carbon would save you from the water changes.
I just rinse them a few times in tap water like: 1 time with straight tap, once with a 1:10 bleach solution then twice more with plain tap water, chuck them in a bowl of tap water to soak whilst I get ready to plant them.
Any plants you buy from an LFS should technically be safe. The problem comes from the water they are kept in at the LFS rather than the plants themselves. The shops keep them with chemicals in the water designed to kill snails. These chemicals are equally lethal to shrimp which is why they killed your shrimp.

What I do is keep plants in a bucket of tap water for a couple of days before adding them to my tank, changing the water a few times before im ready. A filter with carbon would save you from the water changes.

+1 :good:

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