No, I think that last post was comparing the suitability of an SAE to a CAE. siamese algae eaters and chinese algae eaters are entirely urnelated and I see nor eason to mention CAEs in the first place (the two are often confused though, realy, they look very different).
I would not suggest keeping a single SAE in any size tank but there are alternatives - flying foxes, crossocheilus oblongus and the 'false' SAE are all best kept alone and will all eat algae - though, admitedly, not quite as efficiently. Of the afformentioned, the flying fox is the most aggressive but also the most attractively colored. It is also the least efficient algae eater. My personal favourite is c. oblongus, which is adorable
and also eats algae quite well. Both it and the false SAE (garra cambodgiensis / taeniata) are often sold under the name SAE and in mixed groups of the three. They are not any more aggressive than SAEs but can be quite territorial with similar fish and therefore do best either alone or in groups of 6 or more to spread out aggression. They get to about the same size and are also quite active as well - so a single one is your best option.
If you want something that's better at eating algae than any of those 3, otos would be the way to go dispite being a little fragile and dispite the fact that they are strictly herbivorous and won't scavenge fallen fish food or eat flakes like the other fish (which all the other algae eaters mentioned here will do readily when they aren't eating algae).
Having said that, unless you want SAEs for their looks or character, an algae scraper has always been my preffered treatment for excessive algae (plus pin-pointing the cause and correcting that is the first thing you should do - adding more waste-producing fish isn't going to do anything to solve your root problem).
BTW, if you don't now how to identify the different algae eaters, feel free to PM me with your e-mail and I'll send you some pics off the internet + descriptions of each (I have a document saved to my computer that I can't post but I can deffinately send to you if you need it).