
they are indeed!

We put them both straight into the breeding tank when they arrived and he's already got a bubble next on the go and she's got the white bit underneath.........

looks like we might get lucky!

can you remember how old they are?
she was ready defiantly, as all my fish get high protein food and frozen and live food, as i raise my own daphnia and in the summer have plenty of gnat lava to feed them........
yes should be OK when she is happy with his wimpy house build she will investigate, if it is a nice show home she will move in and they will then embrace or maybe even practice a few time and if it happen tonight you will be able see it happen i usually find it happens Early morning after a night of building but if she is not impressed she will go on the hide again just make sure there is plent of hiding places for her sometimes if the female is not happy with the house build she will knock it down...... :rofl:
well if she's not impressed I certainly am :)

We've two plants in there and a small plant pot in it's side plus the filter and heater are useful to her too. We've not put the filter on at the moment so as not to mess up his bubbles

thanks for you help we'll keep you posted.
good luck gilly !

I had two wonderfull fish from bettaman that i hope to get ladies for this year hope your sucsessfull
what type of filter are you talking about it only needs to be a sponge filter as anything with an intake would suck the fry up, and it only need to be put on once the fry become free swimming and about one bubble a second, so its just moving the water,that much, keep us posted on you spawning ......kev
good point didn't think of that. We'll get a sponge going in the other tank straight away.

bugger knows how it's going she smashed up every attempt he's made so far!

We're on the early shift at work so we'll be up at 5 so hopefully it will be done by then...................

will let you know.
well im up and its 5 in the morning any updates on the pair.......hope you got plenty of jars as welll if not start collecting, and have you microworms or bbs to hatch................. :D

Claire ended up going to bed at 11 and other than alot of nest wrecking nothing was going on.

I got up at 1 and still the same.

When we got up this morning at 5 they were both asleep with no nest at all!

We've split them up again and put her back in her section of the tank. We'll give it a day or two then try them again.

It's all good fun :)

We've got everyone at work saving us jars plus we're going to set up the other tank shortly.

I was about to order a culture of microworms now ready just in case :)
send me a self addressed envelope with a jiffy in it and ill send you some for the price of the return post........ :D

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