Sad, Sad Day


Fish Fanatic
Mar 13, 2006
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
I woke up this morning to find Bernard dead :-( He always loved sleeping under his java moss, and I had to extract him from it this morning. I thought he got caught in it and couldn't get out, but now I'm not so sure.

He was in a 5 gallon divided with Manny [I'm a Black Books fan :p ] that shared water. They have a heater they share on Bernard's side, gravel and java moss each. Their last water change was 20% on Thursday and they were due for a 100% today. I generally do a 100% once a week and a 20% a couple of times during the week. NH4/NO2/NO3 readings have always been good for them, although the last time I checked their readings was over a week ago. They get fed a couple of pellets twice a day, and once or twice a week they get bloodworm or brine shrimp. I've only just started feeding the brine shrimp, and none of the fishies seem to like it, so back to bloodworm.

After I took Bernard out this morning, I did a 100% change and moved all the moss onto the empty side with the heater. When I put Manny back in, I noticed he wasn't his usual perky self. He's holding his fins close to his body and is sitting on the bottom only going up for air. His gills are sticking out a bit, but they're not red or pink, they're just not closing completely. When he swims he favours his right fin, holding his left one close to his body. I can't see any sign of fungus, parasites, ick, anything like that. He's not bloated, and he ate a couple of pellets this morning. Bernard's body shows no signs of anything either.

Any ideas on what I can do for the poor guy? :-(
Could they see eachother through the divider? One of my males stressed his gills so they never closed properly after flaring for an entire weekend when the paper keeping the boy from seeing each other fell while I was gone for the weekend. Also if they could see eachother the guy whos acting funny could be depressed because he misses his friend. Some of my bettas sulk when they can't see eachother, especially the ones who have been together for a long time. I would turn lights out add a pinch of salt to his water and just let him chill for a little while. As for the boy who died. Any idea how old he was? could it be possible that he got tangled in the plant and couldn't get up for air? was he acting normal before his death? Any bloating, loss of appetite? did he have any marks on him?? Hope I can help!
Hi BettaBum, thanks for the reply!

They could see each other through the divider, but they didn't flare at each other all the time anymore. They've been sharing the tank for a couple of months and were used to each other. I thought Bernard got caught in the plant because he was a healthy fishie, active and happy even up until last night when I went to bed. No signs of anything wrong with him at all. Manny's just lying on the bottom now or floating staring forlornly at where Bernard used to be. He might be depressed, the gills just make me wonder. He has aquarium salt in his water, I added it during the change.
I would definatly say hes depressed. Did the one that died have a bloated belly at all, does the one thats alive? When you look at his gills do you see any redness or small white spots inside of them?
Nope, neither has bloated belly, and no redness or spots on the gills. Manny is swimming around a little bit more now with no troubles at all, he's using both fins again, still very mopey.
Manny's stopped eating :/ He had one bloodwrom yesterday, that's it. Won't touch his food today. He's just not interested. He still has no physical signs of illness, should I try getting him a new neighbour? Or will that upset him more? Or should I get some fish anti-depressants? :p
:sad: sorry for your loss. I hate it when they die unexpectedly. There was probably nothing you could have done. lol

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