Sad Happening

the biffster

Moved On
May 10, 2010
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on saturday morning at 7.45 we lost our dog Rex
i just thought i would let you all know he was about 10 to 11 yrs old
So sorry for your loss :sad: I lost my lurcher Jodie to cancer 8 weeks ago tomorrow, she was 10. Words cannot fix the loss of a beloved friend, my thoughts are with you. x
So sorry for you :( The worst part of owning a pet has to be it's death. My dog Harley is 10 but he's very healthy and well at the moment, my other dog Hooch is 9 and also in quite good health. I DREAD the day that I lose my two best friends.
Oh i'm so very sorry, it is so painful to lose a much loved pet - take care sweetie

Seffie x
well its been two month since i lost Rex
i am still finding it hard as every wear i look
i see him :sad: i am looking for another dog but
i know i wont find one that will replace him he was a one off
i don't want to buy a dog i want to rescue one like we did with Rex
but still finding it hard to find the right age and sex i know i wont
get another black GSD but i am hoping to find one but a black and tan one
will be loved just as much as Rex was as i use to have Conan before Rex
i had to have him put to sleep at seven years old because he started to drag
his back legs and walk over on his front feet we think the cancer he had had spread
to his spine so like i say any GSD will be love and made a fuss of
Thing is you dont want to replace Rex, you want another companion but you can never replace a lost pet.

My dog died 10 years ago and my dad goes in a huge hissy fit when I mention wanting another dog; point is she was part of our life for a long time and her death was terrible for us all; but we can't live in the past; we have to move on and another dog would not be replacing her. But he doesn't understand this :(
My dog died 10 years ago and my dad goes in a huge hissy fit when I mention wanting another dog;

This also my point of view..... and is the major consideration when I have to decide on getting a new addition to our family.... Why do I want to be exposed to so much heartsore and trauma, when such animal (family member) dies and leaves us with the memories of faithful companionship and loyalties.....

I have the situation with my Meghan atm..... I've actually said, (and I re-itterate).... that I hope I peg before she does.... I dunno how I'll handle it (or survive) if she has to go before I do.... ( :lol: ... & she's on her last legs... so to speak)

She's currently an invalid and has to be carried outside to do her "business" and then brought in again afterwards.... But!!!!.... she lives for my presence, and watches the door when I leave untill I re-enter some 8 hours later after work...... with fanfare and a hearty welcome, which even my wife cannot match in enthusiasm..... I hope I peg before she does.

She's (probably) the ugliest mutt around, but I cannot imagine a life without my Meghan... (although she downrightly farts me right out of the bed) :lol:


i am still going to keep looking
like you said i cant replace him but it would be nice to have a good
companion again or as my other half says partner in crime
i do miss him been about the place he was such a help
Ludwig i know how you feel i said to Rex just weeks before he died
that he would out last me i have been to one of the places we used
to go to today i felt strange without him he used to love the coast :sad:

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