S It Ok To Transport A Fish Tank On Its Side?


Fish Herder
Nov 25, 2008
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Rye, East Sussex
i'm going to pick up a fish tank soon you might have seen my last post. but my mum wants to come because its a "pretty" village and it won't fit with it the right way up and to fit my mum in the car it will have to be laid on its side so is this ok? i don't want to damage it.
I would cover it in a quilt to prevent damage it should be ok to be on its side.
as saltynay says a quilt works well i use this method too i put alot of it underneath it but make sure its flat and secure not able to slide about
I collected a 4ft tank in our fiesta. it just fit. And I had a double quilt folded over and a single quilt and 3 pillows under it just to make sure it didn't get bumped. it made it home ok :)
Just make sure it is well padded.
I'm not so sure; usually, the thickest glass in a tank is on the bottom, so that's where the weight will be. It'd also be able to take a few knocks safely on the bottom (ooh matron!!).
I've transported tanks every way you could imagine. As long as it's padded and you handle it like it is made of glass you shouldn't have a problem. New All-Glass (now Aqueon) tanks get shipped with a cardboard wrap, nothing special. They are turned however they fit the truck best.
Personally I wouldnt, but it depends on the quality of the tank structure. You could always hire a van, by the hour or by the day. I hired one for £35 when I got 5footer, well worth it for the peace of mind and free of any hassle.

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