Rusty's died


Fish Herder
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
Hi All-
My 2 rusty cichlids died this weekend. I feel that it was my red zebra that killed them, since all tank parameters are normal and there were no apparant signs of disease.

Now he (red zebra) is picking on the labs a little more thanusual. They are bigger than him though and are able to hold their own.

Can anyone make some suggestions as to what others can go in there to stop some of the aggresion towards the labs. My tank is a 30 gallon.

If your zebra's are proving to be too aggressive you are better off removing them altogether. 30 gallons is not big enough for most mbuna, and I'm sure my response isn't coming as a surprise.
I only have one zebra. They were all fine untill this weekend. The rusty's always strayed away from the group and hung out in the corners. They were not bold enough. The labs are holding their own.

I realize the 30 gallon is not large enough for when they are adults, and this is why they will be moving to my 55 gallon in a few months, when I pruchase the 180 gallon for my balas and clowns.

But for now, is there any other little bit bolder cichlid that can grow out a little in the 30 gallon untill they are moved?
There are many pseudotropheus that would accomplish what you were looking for. Most of them really, with the exception of Acei, which are very docile.

One thing often overlooked, and perhaps I should add to the article as well, is that mbuna will often out grow a tank because of aggression before size.
OK, one very different but working solution, is to overstock. Before you go crazy and ask if I'm crazy.....yes, this is dependant upon growth or how much growth you'd like to see. yes, I've used this method before and it works. over stock to what point?? I've currently got a n. flameback with two females, two venustus, and 4 other peacocks, plus one 6in. pike. This is in a 30 gal. tank planted and rocked. The only thing I've noticed is that growth rates slow or seem to stunt when you overstock. But, there is virtually so much going on in the tank that territorial boundaries don't seem to be set so there isn't as much aggression. I'll prolly take some heat for this one but....doin it, done it, heard it recommended, will use the method again push comes to shove. African, South Am. or Central never seem to like it anyways when only one "new guy" shows up. Nothing in this hobby is ever proven.....try something and take notes, you'll never quit writing though. I've had paradise gouramis in with south americans that could've smoked them but they had quite the brass pair and survived.
I was thinking about getting 3 or 4 more labs. Do you think this would work, or would it only give the red zebra more to pick on.

I bought some more caves for the labs, but the zebra likes them also. I've had him for too long and the petstore I bought him from won't take him back unfortunately. I had this problem with another cichlid I bought and the petstore agreed to take him back and exchanged me for store credit.But for some reason they wont take the zebra back.
Look at it this way - the more Labs you have in the tank, the more distributed the Zebra's aggression will be. The Zebra will certainly use the caves. The idea is to create a network of caves in which a chased fish can lose the aggressor.

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