Running Two Filters - Set Up Advice Please.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2006
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I have decided to add a second Eheim filter to my 200L Malawi tank as the little beggars are growing now and i think it could use it.

I was thinking about how to position the bits and pieces and am looking for opinions if that is ok.
Look at the picture below. I currently have my one filter laid out as with the RED markings. The intake is in the right hand rear corner (marked 'I') and the spray bar is on the right horizontally just below the surface (marked 'S').
Notice the scum on the surface collecting on the right due to the surface movement. This used to be sucked away by a eheim surface skimmer but i will not have room for this with a second filter.

I am thinking about positioning the second the opposite way round to the first. (green markings) so both spray bars are facing each other.
I am then thinking the water with circulate in the direction of the yellow arrows.

Does this look right and do you think this is a good idea? I think this idea will also have the scum collect in the centre and could be easily blotted away one a week or so.

Otherwise any advice you can give on layout would be great.


gosh! well done for putting so much thought into it, i have never thought about the actual positioning like that, my aim is soley that my eheim in-takes are about 3-4" above sand level and that overall i have enough current in the tank and surface movement at the top, if i dont get readings on ammonia and nitrite and there is enough o2 that the fish behave perfectly normally then i think its "job done" really. Obviously tap on good filter maintenance to that.

I have a Rio 300 litre and use x2 Eheim 2028's and an Empty Fluval4+ internal just to hammer home the flow a bit more.

Mate, i think with the right level of filtration and turnover the rest takes care of it's self?

But i know there is some science behind certain "flows" especially with regards to the way o2 is created or increased in the tank.

LOL, i cant be much help, i mean there's only so many ways you can do it in a 200 litre i would have imagined.

Your tank looks great by the way

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