Rummynose Tetras..and Hard Water


Mar 11, 2009
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I have very hard water in my area.Will rummy nost tetras be ok in this water? The wikipedia article on rummy noses say no more than 9..But as long as ammonia etc are not present they are fine in most tanks, but to breed they MUST have soft water,acidic too. I have a high PH and very high hardness. If i cant keep rummynoses happily what is an alternative (will be going into a community with platies,harlequins,BNs,and others that im researching)
I have very hard water in my area.Will rummy nost tetras be ok in this water? The wikipedia article on rummy noses say no more than 9..But as long as ammonia etc are not present they are fine in most tanks, but to breed they MUST have soft water,acidic too. I have a high PH and very high hardness. If i cant keep rummynoses happily what is an alternative (will be going into a community with platies,harlequins,BNs,and others that im researching)

Someone people have kept rummy nose in hardish water before but i dunno about your levels. but you can always try with a few and see what happens. If you really want rummynose then i suggest you to get a water filter to soft then water ( u can get these at a superstore and can be inexpensive)

another question is how big is your tank and what kinda of fish your looking for (ex:schooling fish, bottom feeders, etc)
we live in london uk which has vey hard water too, and have kept rummy nose tetras successfully for over 6 years, we bought our rummys in lfs in our area so maybe this helps as they are already somewhat acclimatized to the water. beautiful little fish.

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