Hi I am doing second test this evening and will post the results. Upon doing a %50 water change one of my zebra danios got sucked up the pipe like inch half diameter and the spong fell off the pipe I used to stop fish being sucked up had come off and the dainis with their playful nature like to mess with anything I add to the tank ect hanging roots, hoses. ,nets
Unfortunately one of my danios was sucked up the pipe when the pump switched off and the sponge fell out. He seem led fine until I checked him today and his spine where the rear tails meets is bent and crooked should I use clove oil to put him int to gentle sleep. I don't won't him in pain it's my fault. He swims with the other fish plays and eats but his mobility is not at the best he can swim around the tank reach the surface ect I just don't want the poor little guy to be in any pain. I have swapped from using sponge to nets and cable tie