Rummynose Tetra And Ballon Molly.

Thats a much more suitable stocking option.
Glad you taking on board the advice and taking time to do research. 
You not mention what your water hardness is or ph level is in your tank. That info may help as well.
Here is a little more info on Chocolate Gouramis for you to read up on.
I would recommend you get tank raised Gouramis as they adapt to higher ph than wild ones do prefer low ph from 4.0 to 6.5.

In regards to the last post I used a friends old filter sponge to help cycle faster. I bought a 65 litre wide and long tank (I don't know the dimensions), I have a sanded bottom, 9 live plants and some driftwood.

Stocked with;

1 m betta
6 guppies
And a ghost shrimp.

If i can keep Any thing else in there, let me know.

Thanks again. Nick.
nickles123 said:

In regards to the last post I used a friends old filter sponge to help cycle faster. I bought a 65 litre wide and long tank (I don't know the dimensions), I have a sanded bottom, 9 live plants and some driftwood.

Stocked with;

1 m betta
6 guppies
And a ghost shrimp.
Thats a great start in getting a 65 litre tank, i think you'll find this will be a good starter tank for you.
Now for the slightly negative bits, really am sorry to keep giving negative comments, keep an eye on your Betta, generally speaking, Bettas don't do well with guppies.
Why? because guppies have colourful fins and tails, the betta make look at the guppies as competition and may nip or bully them. 
And also bettas are known to nip at shrimps as well, so shrimp may hide all the time due to a bullying betta so you might not see it very often 

It does depend on the temperament of your betta and really hope yours is one of the more docile ones and tolerates other tank mates.
Bet your tank now looks good and a few pics would not go amiss 

BTW, here is a little information on care for bettas, you may find it useful,
I'm still buying more stuff. I got promoted to head of security so I got a fair raise.
I've had them 4 days and they're all swimming together. I plan to make a proper planted aquarium in both.

They're all okay at the moment and the shrimp is always lurking lol.

I have a 40 litre being cycled with a few plants. And will have purely a school of fish (yet to be decided)

I have a fluval filter in both.
pink and red gravel
An air pump with mini filter as well (low water flow)
I have never seen such a clean tank.

I took on board all that was said and researched for a good 4 weeks and decided on the guppies and red betta :)
After reading your posts, I couldn't help but to add my two cents. How are you cycling your tank? A lot of people are under the assumption that you can fill the tank and let the water sit for a few days and it's cycled. I wish it was that easy. Most lfs will try to sell you chemicals to cycle your tank. They make more money that way. Please go to the link Ch4rlie provided. I NEVER take the word of a lfs employee. Using a cycled filter sponge from another tank is an excellent idea as long as you don't let it dry out before use and do not run the filter without an ammonia source(fish or bottled ammonia) for a few weeks. The bacteria in the sponge need to be fed. What concerns me is the "orange" water. Do you have driftwood in the tank? Driftwood can release tannins in the water, which are completely harmless.

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