Thats a much more suitable stocking option.
Glad you taking on board the advice and taking time to do research.
You not mention what your water hardness is or ph level is in your tank. That info may help as well.
Here is a little more info on Chocolate Gouramis for you to read up on.
I would recommend you get tank raised Gouramis as they adapt to higher ph than wild ones do prefer low ph from 4.0 to 6.5.
Glad you taking on board the advice and taking time to do research.
You not mention what your water hardness is or ph level is in your tank. That info may help as well.
Here is a little more info on Chocolate Gouramis for you to read up on.

I would recommend you get tank raised Gouramis as they adapt to higher ph than wild ones do prefer low ph from 4.0 to 6.5.