Rummy Nose

That sucks about the one that died......was kind of funny, because mine all "played" dead in the bag when I got mine....they are pretty cool looking fish, although I think the cichlids in the tank think they are a little "blonde" if you know what I mean....they are pretty ditzy fish...hee hee.
I have just started playing around with the settings.....
So far, it seems that the best pics are at 400 ISO, once I go to 800 ISO, the camera automatically drops the quality to Good Rather than Best.

Although I have not tried it on 800 yet, I am sure the quality drop would be quite minimal, just have not gone there yet!!! SO MANY SETTINGS!!!


We almost have the same camera and I have no friggin clue what you're talking about! :rofl:

Nice noncichlid pics,Chris! :) :cool:
I LOVE rummy nose tetras too!!!Got 4 in my planted tank and they are my favorite tetras!!!!!!very unusual fish and very active

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