Rummy nose tetras

Acclimation has its limits.

First, get a large group; at least 12, never fewer (unless they don't have that many). They will settle in faster, they will shoal better, they will be less stressed going forward. This species, Hyphessobrycon bleheri, must have a larger group than some other tetras need. You mention a 29g, and I've no idea what is now in it, but if it is 30 inches/75 cm in length, a group of 15 would be my acquision with this species.

Second, they must have soft water with preferably an acidic pH. The softer the better, but it must be moderateely soft to very soft. They will not be as colourful in harder water.
I got them this morning and drip acclimated for about 2 hours. How are they looking?


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I was thinking of buying them too, I like how they seem to keep close together in their shoal, I also heard that they can be sensitive to water issues
They look good
I was thinking of buying them too, I like how they seem to keep close together in their shoal, I also heard that they can be sensitive to water issues
Yep. Was surprised at how fast they all schooled together since they all scattered when I put them in. I drip acclimated them for that reason as people said they were sensitive to change.
When I first started my 55 gallon tetra tank I decided to try a planted/silent cycle. So when I add my fish, I added them in a shoal of 5 fish each with red eyed tetras first then 5 ember and 5 neon each shoal a week plus apart. Each time I added a new shoal it was like the train station scene from the movie Zootopia. They would get into their shoals and swim together in tight groups. It was fun to watch.
When I first started my 55 gallon tetra tank I decided to try a planted/silent cycle. So when I add my fish, I added them in a shoal of 5 fish each with red eyed tetras first then 5 ember and 5 neon each shoal a week plus apart. Each time I added a new shoal it was like the train station scene from the movie Zootopia. They would get into their shoals and swim together in tight groups. It was fun to watch.
Yep. This is the biggest number of same tetras In the same tank so it’s very cool when they all swim together
Yep. This is the biggest number of same tetras In the same tank so it’s very cool when they all swim together
That's why I love rummynose tetras so much. They shoal much tighter than other tetras :)

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