Rummy Nose Tetras


get on a board and do yo thang...!
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 9, 2009
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South Leicestershire U.K
ive just got back from lfs with 6 rummy nose tetras to add to my com tank. i acclimatised to my quarentine tank very slowly using a syringe to add small amounts of water to the floating bag over about 50 mins. after putting them in the tank they all just sat on the substrate shaking!

ive never seen this with any fish ive had before and just went back to check on them and they still dont look happy. they were put in about an hour and a half ago.

ive introduced discus, cardinals, corys etc etc to my water in the past and never seen anything like this before. will they be ok as ive read they can be sensitive? but so are cardinal tetras and discus......
the ones i have had in the past have been really sensitive. I have lost at least 2 everytime i introduced some. I have tried every way to acclimatise them and i always seem to lose 2-3. I hope you don't Matt!

what colour are there noses at present?
Hi Ian,

thery were really red in the lfs and this is what made me get them as i thought they looked really healthy and are a good size.

at the minute they have gone slightly more red than when they were in the bag but not as red as at the lfs......

is this the way yours went?
yeah mine look a few hours, if not days to settle. I did loose 1 within 24hrs and then another within 48hrs. They are the most sensitive fish i have owned, but when they do settle, it's true what you read about the nose colours changing when you need to change the water. I had to rehome mine after they started nipping the angels really badly. They are in the father in laws 4 footer and look awesome.
yeah mine look a few hours, if not days to settle. I did loose 1 within 24hrs and then another within 48hrs. They are the most sensitive fish i have owned, but when they do settle, it's true what you read about the nose colours changing when you need to change the water. I had to rehome mine after they started nipping the angels really badly. They are in the father in laws 4 footer and look awesome.
ill keep an eye on them then over the next few days.

i thought they were quite calm tetras..... i hope so anyway as they are to go in my discus tank if they make it through qt!
They are the best schooling fish in the world!

you'll have to get a few more. :good:
they are now swimming about, still very nervous but at least swimming. their colours are still faint though!
Mine were the same when I got some. Reason was down to the water temp dropping on the way home but they picked up within a few hours. Does take a while sometimes for their faces to brighten up :good:
all are still alive and seem to be doing well, they are much more colourfull than last night so fingers crossed i can add a nice group of these to my discus tank in a few weeks :good:
I thought I read somewhere that if their noses are really red it means they're happy, and if they're not it means that they're stressed. But please don't go by this 100% it might not be true.However I find that it's relatively accurate with my rummy noses.
the rummy noses noses are looking real bright red today so i guess they must be happy :good:
well done mate for not loosing any :good:
Have to say it's strange when people say that they've lost some whilst acclimatising them. I never had any issues.

I still have 3 that I couldn't catch in my main tank and they look so bright and vivid now that I wish I'd kept the whole bunch!
well done mate for not loosing any :good:
thanks Ian :good:

Have to say it's strange when people say that they've lost some whilst acclimatising them. I never had any issues.

I still have 3 that I couldn't catch in my main tank and they look so bright and vivid now that I wish I'd kept the whole bunch!
ive never lost any during acclimatising too but ive never seen fish behave like they did when i first put them in, hence the post on here....

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