Rummy Nose Tetras


Fish Herder
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
Luton, Britain
I just wanted to know how everyones experience with these fish are. Were they hardy in your experience?

I have about 9 Rummynose and they seem to be hardy. I've had them for about a year now. It looks really nice when they school together.
I purchased 8 about 18 months ago, perhaps longer. I did lose one but I believe it may have been caught in the filter intake. It was cut open badly in the abdomen and had looked normal the day before. So IME they have been very hardy fish.
thanks a lot :)

Is there any brits with input, because we have higher pH over here.
I'm a Brit in E.Anglia and have to put up with (or rather my fish have to put up with) rock hard water and high pH.

Sat in my quarantine tank (a 30 litre Bi-ube) my rummy-nosed tetras went through two separate bouts of white-spot, and survived both times. After three months, I finally put them in my Juwel Vision 180 and they have been bomb-proof ever since. So, I'd describe mine as being very strong indeed, albeit it's been (in Big Brother talk) a journey for all of us.
Rummies I've kept in a pH of 8 have been absolutely fine (I'm in England too BTW) provided that pH remained cnstant. They don't have any special requirements besides being kept in a school and being provided with enough room to swim around. I always feel these aren't the best tetras for small tanks as they look their best in a big group in a big tank - that's also where they'll school the tightest and look most impressive. They do need to have peaceful tankmates IMO.

Incidentaly, a lot of rummies I've seen are not true rummynoses - they are Hemigrammus bleheri which grows to 1.5" (as opposed to H. rhodostomus - the true rummy - which grows to 2"). I actualy preffer the former (common name is 'flamehead' BTW) because it has more red coloring and the smaller size is more conveniently kept in large groups. You can quite easily tell these two apart because the true rummy has yellow in the caudal fin. Confusingly, there's another species also sold under the rummynose name. Luckily, all have similar requirements and the true rummy is the largest growing (both the other two stick to 1.5").
thanks a lot :)

Is there any brits with input, because we have higher pH over here.

I purchased 8 about 18 months ago, perhaps longer. I did lose one but I believe it may have been caught in the filter intake. It was cut open badly in the abdomen and had looked normal the day before. So IME they have been very hardy fish.

Mine have been kept in a pH of 7.5-7.8 / GH 8-10 / KH 3-4.
thanks a lot people.

i'm going to keep a small school in a 11g tank (small, but i have read thats the minimum tank size)

I'll be keeping them with my neons as well which they should school with.

I hope i get a 1.5" size.
i have 14 Rummys in a 40 gallon community tank with various other small-medium fish and there fine there always together and have races up and down the tank with my Cardinal Tets.Its so amusing.But the answer is yes i think there quite hardy.I dont know what it is but if you look around a few LFS you seem to develop a sense for the hardy and non hardy species.I also belive price reflects hardyness :lol: all the cheap fish ive bought seem to die,the expensive 1s seem to live for years!My local LFS sells Neon Tets for 65p each and a Cardinal Tet or a Rummy Nose is £1.50 each,so that tells me Neons are poor quality even though i have a school of them :p i know there poor because when i started fish keeping Neon Tets were £1.50 a piece!!!

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