Rummy Nose Tetra Problem


New Member
Apr 19, 2009
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Hi. My rummy nose tetra just swim right in the corner of the tank at the back. I have six and they all have bright red noses and look in great condition. Ive tested the water countless times but cannot find anything wrong. As far as i can tell they are not being bullied. I also have six silvertips six zebra danios seven neons and five juli cory. the tank is well planted and 100L. Anyone know whats going on.
Hi there!

Well, you are pretty fully stocked for a 100L tank, but not really overstocked I don't think, assuming you are getting good 5x turnover with your filter flow rate. Is that the case?

What kind (manufacturer/model) of test kit are you using for your water tests? What are the numerical results?

How long has the tank been established and how did you go about establishing bacteria in the filter?

Answers to all those questions will help the members evaluate your situation.

ps. Welcome to TFF!
What kind of aqua scape do you have?
What are the water parameters?
what temp is the tank at? Are tehy in the corner close to your heater?
How many watts of light do you have per galon?

My rummy noses did this for the first 2 days they were in my tank.....tehn the started to just swim from one side to the other....they seem to love swimming against the current of the tank....and will swim fast to the other side with the current only to take there time swimming agaisnt it! Not sure if the tanks too cold/bright/tankmates are bullying them etc but normally unhappy rummy's will loose the deep red nose and go not sure what the prob is but maybe they see there reflection in the corner and like being 12 instead of 6 :p

However I do know the zebras like to be in the same area as the rummy noses do but there WAY more hypper and can be nippy towards other fish! Id spend some time just looking at there interactions bet to see why they seem to be chillin alone > swimming around!
Keep an eye on your Silvertips as these might be your problem. I am moving mine shortly, because although they don't fin nip they keep harassing my Glowlights (Which keep hiding)and are fairly placid fish. They don't bother the Rasboras which are more boisterous and can handle themselves.
Hi there!

Well, you are pretty fully stocked for a 100L tank, but not really overstocked I don't think, assuming you are getting good 5x turnover with your filter flow rate. Is that the case?

What kind (manufacturer/model) of test kit are you using for your water tests? What are the numerical results?

How long has the tank been established and how did you go about establishing bacteria in the filter?

Answers to all those questions will help the members evaluate your situation.

ps. Welcome to TFF!
i have a fluval 3+ which is set to medium flow rate. the tank has ben set up for coming on a year now.
i am using a api universal test kit. the PH is slightly over 7, the ammonia <0.25ppm, nitrite sitting around 0.25ppm and nitrate 20 ppm. i water change around once every week.
hope this helps
ammonia and nitrite should be 0

do a water change ;)

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