Ruined Sailfin Pleco :'-(


Fish Crazy
Jan 9, 2011
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Hi guys.
I just treated my sailfin pleco to his new move on tank as hes reached 6" now and after he had settled in and showes himself i noticed ALL his fins are torn and his back fin has 2 little holes in it.
He was with a few guppys until a week ago i added 1 leopard 1 zebra 1 rasbrado? (all danios).
The only other residents are tons of chery and armano shrimp.
Is there ANY possibility that any of these fish/shrimp would attack this monster 6" beast??? (he has sooo much gurth!!)
during the day when lightes are on nobody bothers him or his teritory and when he moves EVERYONE flinches.
Sorry its so long winded its just he was my first fish and by far my favorite.....
Thanks for the read guys...:'-(
I should probably add that other than being tatty he is behaving normally,feeding constatly and the tattyness is completly normal colour.
Could it still be finrot? No other fish look this way..
I should probably add that other than being tatty he is behaving normally,feeding constatly and the tattyness is completly normal colour.
Could it still be finrot? No other fish look this way..

Unless he got caught on sharp edges and panicked, then sombody must have nipped his fins, doubt if its fin rot or more fish would be displaying similar symptoms.
I also keep a sailfin, he's about about six inches.
There's nothing wrong with your Sailfin mate. Trust me.

I've got about 6 plecos in my tank and that has happened to my Sailfin so many times. I used to get worried but I think it basically just means that he's growing. The rips and holes allow growth and will most definitely heal. It makes sense if you think about it. Give it a week or two and it will have perfect fins again.

Absolutely nothing to be worried about.
There's nothing wrong with your Sailfin mate. Trust me.

I've got about 6 plecos in my tank and that has happened to my Sailfin so many times. I used to get worried but I think it basically just means that he's growing. The rips and holes allow growth and will most definitely heal. It makes sense if you think about it. Give it a week or two and it will have perfect fins again.

Absolutely nothing to be worried about.

It doesn't happen to my sailfin, and if its regular then I would be keeping a close eye to see if there are any territory disputes.
It happens to every Pleco mate. That is how they accommodate growth.
It happens to every Pleco mate. That is how they accommodate growth.

Not in my experience, and I've been keeping pleco's on and off for 30years, and this is my second sailfin which has grown from about one inch when I bought him, think he's a good 6 to 7 inches now and never had any torn fins.


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