lol i never did have a problem working out what had happened what i wrote was an image of what i saw, i thought i would see how many people would work out what happened! i didnt expect it to cause so much confusion. black angel got it in one, as did many others on different sites, though many were too polite to say
lol yeh as an exercise in deduction, of forum members, it proves quite enlightening. I honestly thought i had put enough smilies in to indicate, a less than serious thread. On a more serious note, it does show just how posts from, high posting members, are taken. something that has made me look at how i post. still it gave my family and i two days of sore ribs
lol you may have noticed i do things that are not the, err the norm . i must admit i didn't expect the people who understood it. to post. but i do have an odd sense of humour.