Rude Wakeup


Aug 1, 2006
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got a bit of a shock as i checked my tank today, Violet the Cray was just finishing off the last remnants of a Red crab, and looking very pleased she was too. :sick: lol all is not lost though. as whilst i was sleeping someone had kindly but an even bigger Red crab it to replace it :hyper: :hyper:
You mean the crab shed its skin? Lol, i don't understand what your trying to say :unsure:.
shed?? no she aint got a shed, she's got a cave though
:hyper: :lol:
boboboy is crazy....or drunk...or otherwise influenced by some other substance :rolleyes: .
OMG!! Dude are you high?? hahah

I think I understand it though.
Let me try to explain more clearly:
When he looked into the tank he saw his Cray eating his crab. Having a "rude wakeup" is some sort of metaphoric phrase to being shocked or stunned by an event. Then he says "as whilst i was sleeping someone had kindly but an even bigger Red crab it to replace it". I believe this means that while he was sleeping a girlfriend or something of his bought him a new Red Crab and a bigger one and put it in his tank. lol Either that or it is a bunch of garbage with no actual meaning or not any that can be interpreted by the "uninfluenced person". :blink: :crazy:
I believe this means that while he was sleeping a girlfriend or something of his bought him a new Red Crab and a bigger one and put it in his tank
Thats what it sounded like...but because he seemed exited about it i would have thought not (it would likely be more dinner for the cray, not a good idea to get another one).
Also why would someone buy a crab for him in the middle of the night while he was sleeping? Unless he was sleeping during the day.... sense so be made of any of it! :shout: :lol:
Sounds to me like it shed as well.
lol :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: found crab being munched by Cray, feel sad. see even bigger red crab in tank :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: feel good. think about situation!
oh i see crab moulted, then ran off to hide, Cray finds moult and eats it. i make post! people confused, i laugh. nuff said.
and yes i was drunk on my first reply.

im not sure how my friends and relationships come in to this, but making people laugh, has lead to far more bed episodes, than any of my other talents, oh except perhape my !2" ?????. :hyper:

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