Ruby Sharks


New Member
Jan 5, 2011
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Hi, ive got 2 Ruby sharks and 1 albino all about 4inches..

But still havnt a clue! Haha

Thanks alot
Male Ruby sharks have a black edge to the anal fin.

Do you have them all in the same tank? If you do, you will soon have problems as these fish are very aggressive to others of their own or similar looking species (unless your tank is very large with masses of plants and hiding places).
Yea their all in a 180ltr with lots of hiding places, must admit u will see them chasing each other.. But they'll be fine. Right, thanks mate ill have a closer inspection, how would you tell with the albino tho? N also would you ever get for example a breeding pair 1normal n 1 albino??

Thanks! :)
Well, they might be fine, but a 180l is no way big enough long term; sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
To sex the albino one, you'll have to make an educated guess; males are slimmer and slightly smaller than females. Yes, albinos and normal coloured will crossbreed quite happily (if they don't kill each other first...)
Bad news? Dont be silly getting a bigger tank is always good news! :D lol
I saw a adult ruby shark and was in shock to how big it was hahaha

Well thanks alot mate!

N Chris.. Dont get involved ;) lol
Bad news? Dont be silly getting a bigger tank is always good news! :D lol

How very true; I'm in the process of swapping a 36"x15"x12" for a 48"x18"x15"; it's not really another tank; it's just an extra foot... :nod:
Yea? Niiice! Ideally want to get a bigboy tank made to fit the space were my tank is at the mo! But have gotta wait.. :-/

N yea my blind caveFISH is fine lol, e still hasnt a clue what is going on.. Lol he only knows the sound of food fallin into tank haha

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