Ruby - RTBS

Ok, im sorry... im having a really dumb moment and SOOO dont get

Ive attached a picture - if it comes ouot big enough to see.... So, is it the little kink on the front of the fin? Like a little bump? Or is it because her fin doesn't go straight back and has a little 'bump' instead?!

Im sorry... im confused! :rolleyes: lol I hope she is female... shes too pretty to be a boy!lol I can imagine she's female... :D



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Jess - yes it was seeing Ruby that clinched it for me. RTBS have always been one of my favourites but they can be real terrors so I was shying away from them but after seeing Ruby (or Rubin if bunjiweb is right :D ) their just too gorgeous to not have one!!

It's easy to know if Ruby is a she, before you turn the tank light off at night just have a peek in and if he/she's giving the neons a hard time for staying out all night with those guppies then it's defo a woman! :p

Yeah, ive heard a lot of stories about them being aggressive and territorial but she's not at all like that... She is still only a baby i guess (Ive had her about 4 months) so maybe she'll get more aggressive with age but she just seems too nice to be mean!! Even the guppy chases her when im feeding them all!lol She's useless!!!

And as i said to Ben, she's too pretty and cute to be a dirty, smelly boy!lmao Ruby shall remain Ruby :D lol

....see my shark?? haha..kinda blury cause it came from my camera phone
eSUng15 said:
....see my shark?? haha..kinda blury cause it came from my camera phone

Cute Shark! :D Looks smaller than mine, how big is he?! Looking at the colouring on him im guessing he's not an RTBS...? You'll have to post some clearer pictures... Looks very pretty! :)


*Edit - I just looked again at your sig and it says he's a rainbow shark!!lol Ignore my dumb question above... :rolleyes: lol
He's the same as Ruby then!! She's just fat i It makes her look bigger! :D She eats like a pig, it really is

OMG, I wish that I could get my RT to be so friendly.
He sees the camera, looks at it and then does a mad dash/swim away!
Ruby is sure Purdy! :wub:
Ruby never used to be so friendly!! Up until about a month ago she used to swim away if i even walked past the tank, but now she comes swimming over - probably to see if im feeding her!! She's so cute! :D

Ben - My RTBS isn't overweight then?lol I always thought she looked fat but thats how she was when i bought her... i tend to try and keep them in the condition i got them unless someone tells me they're too fat/thin! :)

Oh what a gorgeous fish! :) Nice pictures.

In case you didn't know I'm a big fan of RTB and Rainbow/Ruby sharks too. lol

I look forward to seeing more pictures. :thumbs:
Lol Well i shall doubtless be taking more pictures of her as whenever i get the camera out she positions herself infront of it.. :rolleyes: lol

She is a cutie... :wub: lol

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