'ruby' By Mark Evans (Saintly)

I love photos like this, the sharpness on the detail is immense.
I know that it's an aquarium, but those fish look like they're flying, the water's so clear.That's a serious border around it too.
Absolutely brilliant. I wish i had the knowledge to create something half as good as this! Nice to see some different fish in there too rather than the usually candidates like Tetra's.
I'm not sure how long the babies will last, Mark. The plants are look super healthy!

ps Stu, boarders are the way forward ;)
This is truly a thing of beauty - if I could create anything even a fraction as good, I'd be over the moon. Beautiful photography as well :good:

Re the shrimp babies, that dense grass looks great for hiding in, so I would have thought quite a few would make it. They certainly managed to in my old community set up with Java moss and Hornwort for cover - I ended up with over 200 of them :blink:
Cheers Chaps :good:

Here's a pic of my anubias which has flowered. Anubias often flower, but this one is quit neat.


and my son, getting his hand cleaned by amano shrimp...

I'm not really sure how to get them to flower...it just happens.

My Aponogeton is starting to flower too. Here's the stalk above the water line...

Ooh keep on top of that so we can see it's development! :hyper:

Love the shrimp cleaning your boy's hand :good:
Needless to say, this is a beautiful tank, well done. The standard of your photography is fantastic too - makes all the difference
CO2 injection tends to produce anubias that will flower more often. When I injected CO2 into my corner scape, my anubias flowered all the time.

The aponogeton is fun to watch flower as well.

Lovely pictures, Mark.
well, this might be the end of this tank.

I have to take it to the Telford Aquatic show this coming week, to be featured on the 'Tropica' stand.

Transportation is just about sorted, but if it's too much hassle bringing it back in one piece, i may rip it down and start again, with a new layout.

Thanks for looking in folk.

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