Rubbing And Flicking


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2006
Reaction score
Telford, Shrops. UK
Hey all, my red tailed black shark who is in a tank with no new fish in has started to rub and flick himself against anything he can. There is no signs on the outside of his body and other than the flicking he looks in perfect health. No other fish is showing signs of anything. To me it seems an obvious case of internal/gill parasties. Are we all in agreement on this? If so i have never dealt with this before is it a case of quarintine for a few weeks? Could anyother fish have caught it from him?


Recently (you've prob seen the thread here) I had exactly the same problem with my RTBS which had no visible external signs. He/she would flick and rub off objects and went off food and also ended up getting a bacterial infection. I treated for gill/body flukes (thanks to Wilder) as well as anti bacterial med and it made a full recovery :good:

BTW, you wouldn know how to sex a RTBS would you? :shout:
Yes if you had it it can be passed on through nets and unsterlised equipment, check water stats first if they are ok, i would treat the tank.
Recently (you've prob seen the thread here) I had exactly the same problem with my RTBS which had no visible external signs. He/she would flick and rub off objects and went off food and also ended up getting a bacterial infection. I treated for gill/body flukes (thanks to Wilder) as well as anti bacterial med and it made a full recovery :good:

BTW, you wouldn know how to sex a RTBS would you? :shout:

Ok thanks to you both. I will pick something up from lfs tomorrow.

I have no idea how to sex them, but all my fish are males or females mostly just depending on what they act like or the first name in my head!

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