Rubbernose Pleco

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Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2004
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I'm really interested in getting a rubbernose pleco. The lady at the fish store said that I shouldn't buy one to put in the tank till there is algae. The reason being because if it gets used to eating algae wafers, it won't eat "real" algae when it starts to grow. Is this true?

Also, is a rubbernose going to be okay for a community tank? How large does it get?

Thanks in advance!


Edited to Add: Since posting I see that they don't get that big. My tank is 55 gallon. Will one be enough to keep the tank algae-free? TIA.
Mine eats the algae in my tank, every other night i also give it an algae wafer.
Thank you for your reply. I'm glad it seems to take care of the algae.

The pet store is wanting $10.40 for one. It's probably about 2 inches long. Is this about right price-wise? Or is that a little pricey?
I got mine for 3 or 4 dollars, it was 2-3 inches long. This was at a Petsmart, so if there's one around you I'd check it out.
ditto to what diVer just said.......goes for me too, although mine has just turned up dead tonight after only having it for 3 days and same with my 2 baby panda corys that I got from Petsmart as well :-( :grr: :grr:

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