
Because they don't tolerate there own kind.
They dont tolorate other kinds all that much either lol
So true.
My RTBS is the sole other fish in my Cichlid tank. Only things he wont kill. Does very well with them though.
My RTBS is the sole other fish in my Cichlid tank. Only things he wont kill. Does very well with them though.

What cichlids are in there? Does he get after them at times also?

Sorry for going OT, this is interesting to know. :)
My RTBS is the sole other fish in my Cichlid tank. Only things he wont kill. Does very well with them though.

What cichlids are in there? Does he get after them at times also?

Sorry for going OT, this is interesting to know. :)

Well to be honest with you, I am a frequent reader of these board but an infrequent poster. The Cichlids I keep togeather would be consitered unconventional by most, unfortunatly from what I have observed here is that many of the members are hostile, judgemental, and downright nasty toward others who keep fish togeather that are not usually or ordinarily kept in the same tank as accepted by mainstream. I have seen this many times here.Therefore while id like to discuss what I keep, Im reluctant to. I will say thogh that the RTBS can hold her own exceptionally well:)
Well to be honest with you, I am a frequent reader of these board but an infrequent poster. The Cichlids I keep togeather would be consitered unconventional by most, unfortunatly from what I have observed here is that many of the members are hostile, judgemental, and downright nasty toward others who keep fish togeather that are not usually or ordinarily kept in the same tank as accepted by mainstream. I have seen this many times here.

About the nastiness etc, you took the words right out of my mouth hun..
My RTBS is the sole other fish in my Cichlid tank. Only things he wont kill. Does very well with them though.

What cichlids are in there? Does he get after them at times also?

Sorry for going OT, this is interesting to know. :)

Well to be honest with you, I am a frequent reader of these board but an infrequent poster. The Cichlids I keep togeather would be consitered unconventional by most, unfortunatly from what I have observed here is that many of the members are hostile, judgemental, and downright nasty toward others who keep fish togeather that are not usually or ordinarily kept in the same tank as accepted by mainstream. I have seen this many times here.Therefore while id like to discuss what I keep, Im reluctant to. I will say thogh that the RTBS can hold her own exceptionally well:)

Fair enough. I hope you don't think that's why I was asking. :unsure:

I do the same as you with cichlids. You never know until you try.

Fair enough. I hope you don't think that's why I was asking. :unsure:

I do the same as you with cichlids. You never know until you try.

No not at all was I directing my comment at you!:) Dont really plan to name name's but there are a pretty healthy number of people who do post here who have serious superority issues. Its my opinion that they think that anyone who bends the rules of common fishkeeping are abusing their fish. Even if another poster is doing it successfully, Ive seen these people call names, point fingers, flat out act like little children time and time again. And for what? Well, they think that they are better those of us who choose not to conform to what they think constitutes a compatable tropical fish community. Those among us who are so full of themselves to think that the mainstream way or their way is the only way, really make it uncomfortable and not fun for those of us who dont follow the normal "rules" of compatability. I am one of those people and ive just decided not to open myself up to the sheer amount of criticizm and childish behavior that would surly come my way if I was to discuss here what I keep togeather in my tank. As for your comment, you never know till you try, I wholeheartedly agree with that.
Good words Garbage. I am plain sick of it too. But I have said my peice about it all in other posts, am not going to bother doing it again. It got me nowhere. Those people who think they are far superior to others will always continue to think this, no matter how much you tell them they are not.
Good to know Im not the only person here who feels this way:)

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