Thanks so much, zelandonia! :wub: Those stripes actually are more cream colored than yellow, but my camera has a tendancy to take yellower pictures in that tank...I think it's the light... :/
Arashi said:
Those stripes actually are more cream colored than yellow, but my camera has a tendancy to take yellower pictures in that tank...I think it's the light... :/
Blond highlights!! Even better!! Regardless, he's a beautiful pleco!!

Welcome the the club Arashi!! He's a stunner. They get HUGE, around 2 ft, and about 10" high!!! but it takes them around 30 years to get there apparently!
Beautiful Plec!!

EDIT: Oh yeah, and make sure you have bogwood in his tank, it is essential for them to survive!!
Thanks guys! :wub: Glad you all like him. :D

rvm - Thanks! :wub: Yay! I'm part of the Royal Club! *bounces around like an idiot* :p :lol: :rolleyes: :fun: I do have a nice big piece of wood in there for him...thats actually the first place he went before hitting the algae wafers. :rolleyes: :p

And Chooklet...I don't hate you either...

...but you still can't have my Pleco. :p :fun:
Good for you! I love royals, they look like evil Japanese kites or something. Great fish! Good luck with him! :fish:
Thanks cory! :wub: You're right...they do kinda look like Japanese Kites...but definitely evil ones. :p

Just an update on him, he's settled in great! He and my Gibby, Rex, are getting along great now, with only a few minor chasing every now and then at feeding time. :thumbs: He's got a new favorite place in the tank, right behind the filter intake...if he's not on the bogwood, then he's there. :rolleyes: He's eating great and loves his algae wafers and his fresh veggies. :nod: He's so cool. :wub:
Aww.. Can't believe I missed this thread. He's a beauty Arashi, so glad you finally found one. :wub:

Have you named him yet?
rvm said:
They get HUGE, around 2 ft, and about 10" high
There are around eight species of panaque called Royals and some do indeed get pretty big, but Arashi's got one of the smaller species, the largest recorded L190 was 30cm (12")

Good to hear he's doing well ;)

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