Royal Pleco Size


Dec 9, 2006
Reaction score
Cumbria, UK
Could i keep a young royal ple oin a 180 L aquarium?
When i mean young i mean aroun 4" - 7" ?
Would this be ok? It would be housed with

1 sailfin pleco 5"
1 Black ghost knife fish 4"
1 Clown pleco 2"
15 Black neon tetra
I've been looking at keeping a Royal in that size aquarium joe and have been assured by many people there will be no problem. :good: :good:
I've been looking at keeping a Royal in that size aquarium joe and have been assured by many people there will be no problem. :good: :good:

Thanks very much for the help, i have asked the LFS to order me one in and he said he will get hold of one as soon as possible for me!
Thanks again, Joemuz
A 4" one would be fine, but I wouldn't put a 7" one in there, mine is 8" and even in my huge (180g) tank is making me need to do gravel vacs and water changes every other day ;) These plecs might grow slowly but they make tonnes more mess than other species!
Pity you live right up there, my LFS has got an absolute sackload of them in, all a nice little size, between 2-3", I think it would be really cool to grow on such a great fish from a small size. Bigger specimens of this fish fetch £65-80 in Leicester
You could keep a 1-5'' specimen in there easy as long as you have a good filtration system, weekly gravel vacuums, and bog wood.

Royals grow 2'' in their first year of their life then it drastically drops to 1'' per year. So I would say you could keep it in that tank for around 4 years.
You could keep a 1-5'' specimen in there easy as long as you have a good filtration system, weekly gravel vacuums, and bog wood.

Royals grow 2'' in their first year of their life then it drastically drops to 1'' per year. So I would say you could keep it in that tank for around 4 years.

Thanks a lot everyone, i will order one today!
It will be a planted tank aswell so maybe a 4" one would be better. The mess the fish makes will also be a slight advantage as it will provide food for the plants.
Cheers, Joemuz
WOW I am getting a L190 to! its about 15cm! Just have to sort out the shipping of the fish.
WOW I am getting a L190 to! its about 15cm! Just have to sort out the shipping of the fish.

Cool, when i get mine i will post a thread in the "members aquarium and fish pictures" on Royal pleco.
Are they a mor active species of pleco or do they tend to hide a lot?
Thanks, Joemuz

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