Royal Clown Knifefish??


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I ordered a clown knife from my lfs and they got me two different patterned fish. I think I have seen something called a royal clown before but no nowt about its habits other than I believe they are more aggressive!

They are the same shape as the clown although the snout is less pronounced but they are still only 3 inches long.

Darker than the clown in shade and loads of stripes from top of body down. It has the feather fin though. I'm a little dissapointed I didn't get a clown cos when they're bigger I thinkj they are beautiful, but I also like these..

Does anyone have a pic of a royal clown and any info
The Royal knife (Chilata blanci) fish is a far better looking fish than the clown and reaches sizes just as big, in fact apart from the difference in colouring and scientific name they are practically the same fish.


please note this is not my fish, no way would i have garish blue gravel
Cheers for that. I thought I'd read about them before being almost the same fish. I think I prefer the clown though cos they are more silvery and one I had about 10 years ago had the best spots down the side.... still I'm notr too fussed either way and hopefully they will flourish and I'm building a large tank for them in garage
One has settled in really well and is eating loads, the other not so much. The colourings on these fish are very good for camouflage, it takes me a while to find them in the tank as its a tank full of valis and a straggly plant i have in there that is all over the place
the one that has eaten from day one is now piling on weigt and size and is loking very impressive indeed, however the weaker one died as it just never ate. Isn't it bizarre how one settles and one doesn't

Has anyone evr kept one of these

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