Row With Neighbour Over My Kids Has Left Me Fuming

Tell her to get lost and mind her own business!!

I wouldnt take the pla house away either.....its in your garden so if the boys want to climb on the roof and you're happy for them to do it......then so be it!!!!

nosy neighbours get right on my nerves!!! i'll bring my mums 6 dogs over too :lol:
I spoke to my neighbour the other side, she has no problem with the boys being on top of their playhouse and her daughter doesnt mind chatting to them either. So its been moved over to the other side of the garden. Trouble is now her 2 dogs are aggrovating my GSD (who I admit is a funny so and so) each time they let their dogs out they are charging at the fence barking (they are only little things), I have sat in the garden with the boys the last couple of days making sure they are not upto anything, but have noticed what a ruddy nuisance her dogs are, we had been blaming our dog for starting barking first, when its not her!

Jenni 6 dogs woohoo add them to my 3 that will give her something to whine about :lol:
Perhaps the neighbour is pre-emptively trying to prevent their daughters being exposed to rude or immature boy talk. Boys are notorious for being naughty, perhaps she doesn't want to rub off on her daughters.

However she could just tell her daughter not to talk to your sons first rather than the other way round. I find it hilarious she complains about your sand box haha.

At the end of the day, tell her where to go. If she wants your sons not to talk to their daughters, make them be the one hwo has to make the sacrifices not your sons.
At the end of the day we are talking about 2 - 5 year olds so whats the big deal??

Im sure our dogs would love 3 new playmates!! :lol:
do people actually have neighbors like that? ive lived in the same house for 11 years, and all of my neighbors are wicked nice! they never complain! (well we never cause TOO much trouble)
Neighbours can be so odd sometimes...

Is she a first time mum? If so it might be that she hasn't learned to relax into her parenting role yet. IMO people tend to get more relaxed about parenting the more children they have, so she may still be holding on to the idea that her daughter must always behave in such and such a way, and eat in this manner and not play with mucky things in case her clothes get dirty instead of accepting that "covered in dirt" and "messing about" are a child's basic state of being. If she is then there's not much you can do about it - she will only come around in her own time.

If that's not the case then I'll shut up! ;)
I'll just put my two bits in. When I came to collect the fish I found your two lads to be polite and well behaved. A real credit to you and would show up the majority of both girls and boys who live near me. Carry on the way you are mate, she will have plenty of problems to deal with when her little angel get's to be a teenager. :good:

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