Round Pico?

It's a 1 gallon. 2s existed too, but I couldn't find one that I trusted for glass thickness.
LFS had some good quality LR in this week. I got a chunk and broke it up with my geo pick into chunks that would fit through the top of the bowl. I also got a nice small chunk that was going to go in the bowl until I discovered that it's completely covered in zoos (wooh!). I feel confident that I got the lighting/temeprature under control in the bowl now so the LR can go in soon.
The few mini-pieces of LR cycled the bowl pretty fast. A byproduct of the cycling unfortunately seems to be an oily film on the top, despite suface agitation. I stuck a very very small bubbler in to countact this (current from the bubbles is not enough to ditch the pump or create significant evap issues). The bubbles are few and far between but so far it seems to be breaking up the junk on the surface. Now I probably have to battle salt spray...
Oily film cured, salt spray fixed (I think...I hope...I better not come home one day and find my keyboard all crusty :grr: ). Bubbler is kind of in the format Bunjiweb suggested. Nice thing about the system so far is that it's still silent even with the air pump. Careful rigging has meant no vibrations in the desk either.

Current animals are my very large bristleworms, since some of them have developed pretty striking colors and they look cool peeking out of the limestone :lol: They needed a better home anyway. I opted to keep the crushed coral because the worms do well in it (probably why I had such difficulty with them in my 12g...they thrive in the stuff). The worms will handle substrate turnover. Lighting seems sufficient to support hardier macro but not much else. LR rubble bits are hidden behind the limestone so it still looks like I wanted lol.

I will need to have above-ground cleanup animals, but nothing that will get in the way of the worms by burrowing. I am thinking about:
- a few mini-hermits
- 1 glass-cleaner snail. An Astrea relative maybe? I don't know if those guys suffer from higher temps...maybe I'll go back to Nerites.
- maybe one other interesting hardy invert. No clue what though. I'd go for another awesome crab, worm, or snail if one existed that wouldn't conflict with my current worms :/

Beyond mini hermits and a glass cleaner, I don't know what else could go in...if anything. Maybe just leave it at a colorful cleanup crew :lol: What do you guys think, does the plan sound ok so far?

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