Round Betta Tanks


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2005
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Hi there
Looking at a new betta tank
can anyone tell me how you can work out how many gallons a round tank holds?
thank you
Its one that iv seen on ebay but is going for a really reasonable price with an air punp and stone aswell and cheap postage

Iv been using a volume calc I was given the address for but it can calculate a round bowl
Its one that iv seen on ebay but is going for a really reasonable price with an air punp and stone aswell and cheap postage

Iv been using a volume calc I was given the address for but it can calculate a round bowl

i guess the best you can do is guess, ask the seller, or look up the same thing for new- sometimes it will list its gallonage.
Pie are square. No, pie are round.

Pi X R(radius) squared = Volume of a sphere.
Hi there
Looking at a new betta tank
can anyone tell me how you can work out how many gallons a round tank holds?
thank you
I've asked a similiar question on another site--they have me this site to go on to figure gallons----- This may help you--hope so anyway.
I was gonna suggest pouring a known volume of H2O in the unknown sized tank, but I guess you can't do that over the net, so you're left with trying to ask or do maths if you know the dimensions. So that's pie r cubed or pie r square x height, or something like that. Hmmm....., I just thought of how my books say it's best to fill a bowl only about halfway so you get the maximum surface area for O2 to difuse into the H2O, but maybe betta's don't care because they can just gulp the air straight from the air. :book: :fish: :huh:

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